Additive for old engines....

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Club Guest
Dec 8, 2004
I read once in the forum that there is some additive you can add to old engines to help reduce oil consumption but can't seem to find that post anymore. Anyone know of any good additive you can add to your engine oil to help with oil consumption for those slightly worn down engines?. Of course this is not a permanent solution I know, just a temp solution until the engine transplant takes place!!. :rolleyes: If anyone knows, please state the name of the additive, where it can be bought and how much it cost approx. Tks a million.
redbaron;291515 said:
THe other one you can try is Bardhal no2

Where would be a the best place to buy Bardhal additives?. ie cheapest place la. :wink:
for me the nasa oil treatment is the best.can feel the different..especially driving in highway..
McFir7;291573 said:
for me the nasa oil treatment is the best.can feel the different..especially driving in highway..

yup me too the same here .. .. NASA engine oil GD 11 and Nasa oil treatment ( the purple colour can )
X1R and I get them at PH Auto in Section 21 Sea Park PJ. RM20 if I recall.
Saw X1R advertisement in yesterday's Star paper, with a photo of Jeffery Ewe with a thumb up, Vice President of BMW Club Malaysia.... interesting advertisement.. :rolleyes:
crymson, you sure you get them at RM 20 for X1R. Outside is selling about 45 to 60 man.
elwine30;291901 said:
crymson, you sure you get them at RM 20 for X1R. Outside is selling about 45 to 60 man.

My bad. It's RM20+ for fuel additive and RM45+ for the engine oil additive
hhhmmm apa yg saya dgr.....if use it....the piston will get more carbon....and your engine will easily damage....hhmmm correct me if i wrong.....
I used this russian product in my e34 - meant to restore compression to old engines. poured two tubes and so far and seems to work. costs about rm40 per tube. it is not an oil additive. i'm no tribologist so read it and make your own conclusion.
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