AD2006 - Costume Suggestion

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ALBundy said:
Jarance, I will stick to my avatar. Now where do I get those bell bottom pant and big collar shirt!??:D

well since i have a hot avtar..can i bring a girl just like in my avtar.since i heard baywatch costume r allow right?its that true committies?
McFir7 said:
well since i have a hot avtar..can i bring a girl just like in my avtar.since i heard baywatch costume r allow right?its that true committies?
McFir7, can u really? Can be a bit cold in there though.... But am sure lots of guys wouldn't mind to be her 'jacket' for the nite to keep her warm ... :)
well if u guys say so..maybe i could bring a sets of pussy cats doll..but u guys got to buy a table for them then
i din noe dat pussy cats dolls eat one?? :eek: :confused:

McFir7, you can wear your bay watch costume.... ma... ehehehh...
McFir7 said:
well if u guys say so..maybe i could bring a sets of pussy cats doll..but u guys got to buy a table for them then

OK as long it is NOT Paper Dolls.. (from trifinny). Then you can keep them to yourself.
OK Guys,

As far as i know, these are the character attendees:

1. Austin Powers
2. To Wong Foo - Wesley Snipes
3. Pirate of the Carribean
4. Gandhi
5. Matrix
6. Memoirs of the Geisha
7. Samurai
8. Warrior Maul
9. John Wayne

those who have not plan of what they are going to wear, make sure you don't clash with the above. If do also need to be very different lor..... or else ar, if you come as another cowboy, then become Brokeback Mountain leh..... hehehehehe

So those who want me to list/book what they gonna come as but not wanting to publish the real person, pm me and i shall update this list.

hehehehehehehehehehehe, and those who wants to find who wear what, you better have a big account in your bank before you approach me.........

And those who are not going to be creative and think out of the box, very boring lor.....
Puss the best part is warrior maul sounds like something I will wear, but on the contrary its someone else.... :)
....and Gandhi Gi is someone who's closest to my heart from that list above but I wont be shaving my head, putting on my clear "Lennon" glasses, walking with a hunch dressed in a mini jothi holding a stick come Sat nite!...but will be dressed for the occassion!
okow said:
....and Gandhi Gi is someone who's closest to my heart from that list above but I wont be shaving my head, putting on my clear "Lennon" glasses, walking with a hunch dressed in a mini jothi holding a stick come Sat nite!...but will be dressed for the occassion!

Dont forget the blue and red pill ahhh :D :p
sithwarrior said:
Dont forget the blue and red pill ahhh :D :p

Errr.......Viagra is blue...
Oh, you talking about these "Pills"...taking the "Blue Pill" will leave us as we are, in a life consisting of habit, of things we believe we know. We are comfortable, we do not need truth to live. The blue pill symbolises commuting to work every day, or brushing your teeth.

But on the other hand...taking the "Red Pill" we are told that it can help us to find the truth. We don't know what that truth is, or even that the pill will help us to find it. The red pill symbolises risk, doubt and questioning. In order to answer the question, you can gamble your whole life and world on a reality you have never experienced.

Yes, I will have both!
ah lian said:
is dat the matrix or alice in wunderland??

Alice in Chains....opps in meant in Wonderland and Im coming as the "Tin Man"....any "C-3po's" or R2-D2's coming?
kkekkek.... thanks okow! thot it was familiar...;)

gonna be interesting nite for all... :p wunder got any scary vampires coming or not.... :eek:
Reviving this thread. Who else coming as who/what, please list down.

Dont want after got 2 Superman la, 3 Spiderman la, 6 Robocot la etc....

Hmmm...actually, if the whole team of Captain Marvel Hero's there would be quite chun....on the other hand would be really great to see 10 cowboys and 20 Red Indians lead by Geronimo or Big Chief Sleeping Buffalo!
either u veli boring or u think u hollywood lor....
me and wife in 'Lord of the rings' character..... and of course in white!!
yeop said:
me and wife in 'Lord of the rings' character..... and of course in white!!

Wah, you are too young to be "Gandalf" la. I think you and wifey fit "Lady Eowyn of Rohan" and "Legolas, Prince of Elven Kingdom" better.

Hmm...I wonder if Gollum and Saruman would be there too!

Alvin: Why so boring...dress to the theme la. I know you naturally already look like actor but not so famous yet, so if you come as you are, we might not "recognise" you.

Fellow forumers, the AD committee has done a painstaking job to put up a good show for us all, the rest is up to US. so, a little support to dress to the occassion, please.

Afterall, ITS OUR PARTY!
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