AD2006 - Costume Suggestion

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Founding Member
Dec 4, 2004
As the Ad2006 theme is Night out at the movie, I think the following is appropiatefor the members to come in.1. sithwarrior - what else sithwarrior of course.2. albundy - anakin skywalker aka darth vader (good guy, turn bad guy, then turn good guy)3. puss - catwoman4. dd - daredevil.5. nik - as a girl - know to be cross dresser6. zoggee - superman - known to wear his underwear outside his pant.7. blackrobe - kingkong - ppl say he is too hairy8. fabian - shoalin master (Jackie chan impersonator)Let the list go on..
Jarance, I will stick to my avatar. Now where do I get those bell bottom pant and big collar shirt!??:D
al.. I don't know whether you can fit into my old bell or not.. but where are going
to get the double chin as JT.. LOL..
I think Blackrobe is coming as a scot. you wont have a kilt by any chace now do you. Nikk.. er well.. I guess a sayuri make up would do him justice... me ? well getting a sith costume and make up may cost too much money

you have to pay me to see me like dat..
Zoggee said:

you have to pay me to see me like dat..

really.. How much? Maybe we can do an auction and donate the
money to charity..

I bet RM10.. Anyone want to up me..
Ish, thank god my nick is "flash" and not "flasher"....:D
flash.. in your case you can come in your birthday suit.. ha.. ha..
ALBundy said:
Jarance, I will stick to my avatar. Now where do I get those bell bottom pant and big collar shirt!??:D

Give Abu a call. He has loads of them;)
Anyone out there knows where I may acquire for borrowing or rental... a kilt, along with the traditional accessories? Ta
there is a custume house in City Square KL i got my custume there during my office annual diner for the 60's theme hope i help
we really have to go with theme? Oh great....well the fur coat has gotta come out sooner or later...
ALBundy said:
Jarance, I will stick to my avatar. Now where do I get those bell bottom pant and big collar shirt!??:D

....from ME...I still have them! hahahaha
Those who doesn't follow the theme will be severely punished. Jarance, must come as a blind hero meh? Hahahaha....
I should grow my hair and come-in as AlleyCats - David Arumugam
Daredevil said:
Those who doesn't follow the theme will be severely punished. Jarance, must come as a blind hero meh? Hahahaha....

DD, It's either that or a giant slit eyed koala :D
KennyG said:
I should grow my hair and come-in as AlleyCats - David Arumugam

Perfect for Bintang RTM ( if it was still on ), but its a hollywood nite lah... perhaps you can get a long side burn and come as Samuel L Jackson in Pulp Fiction. Walk in with Bundy who is Playing John Travolta... Then look for a female to play Uma Thurman lor... The perfect team
who's coming as mummy??? wrapped with toilet rolls.. hahhaha

Why need to rent? be creative lah... that's the fun part...

Rumours has it that there might be an award for best dressed member for Annual Dinner... It may not be the one with the most expensive outfit, could be something inexpensive but creative mumbo-jumbo outfit... Time to pinjam your parent's retro fashion.. hehe..
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