The tank can crack because its pressurized and the pressure will shoot to the roof if the thermostat fail to open/jam.
Why can't they design the cooling system's reservoir, away from the radiator and connected after the pressure point, above the radiator cap like a breather concept used by JDMs? :stupid:
Pressure is needed in the system because water cooling will be more efficient under pressurized environment, "takat didih"/boiling point will raise above 100 degrees Celsius depending on the pressure, so water won't boil above 100 degrees. Boiling will cause loss of liquid/loss of cooling efficiency. So very bad for the system. That's why one of the performance part for JDM is the radiator cap that has a higher pressure release latch. That also if your radiator can withstand the pressure, otherwise, bocor everywhere..

Too bad that the earlier batches of BMWs designed their reservoir as part of the pressurized system.
I think E90 reservoir design has improved, at least its not part of the radiator.. I am not sure if the have isolated it from the "pressurized system" though?
What I'm trying to say is one must understand the system, then the problem will be less "scary"..

and was the problem an "origin" or is it caused by some other failure which u overlooked, and end up not fixing the root cause. Make sure the Thermostats (few of them) are in good working condition, failing which, your reservoir will "pecah"!...which is a good thing, otherwise, your radiator will "pecah".. that time its not few hundred but few thousand to replace. So you should be "thankful"?!