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Club Guest
Mar 4, 2009
hello members & sifus here. i have been around in this forum for quite a while gathering information on this machine but cant remember if i have made introduction before, but lets do it again.. staying in subang jaya and working in bangsar. small family with 2 daughters. i have not own any bimmer yet, only admiring to own a bimmer for many years. recently my home minister have approved my application to acquire a bimmer. thought of going for E46, but since economy not so good, I think I will settle with E36 325 for now.so now i am in the midst of hunting E36 325 preferably later year (understand last production is 1995? before it was replaced with 328). if none available, i may consider 328 :top:. looking for a good condition E36 which the owner has given a very good care to the baby, and i can continue his effort from there. just pay and drive. cheers..
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