a classic mercedes benz, commonly used by most business manand the model u;re looking now, W210 E-classa successor of the popular W124well what we;re looking at, is how i restore a 14yr old STOCK paing
side view, looks good coz well washed by me all the time -.-
now u can see the paint fade which din reflect how the cloud looks
stock rims, kinda dirty
some scratches
there's some scratches on rear boot as well, kinda small i admit
door handle scratches, n some unknown "zebra" effect
a 50/50, after i done all the processprocess recipe:wash with ONRdried the carclay with PG clay using ONR as lubricant for a smooth surfaceusing makita STOCK wool pad, compound the car with meguiar's M105then change to lake country cutting pad, using speed 1 to spread, speed 3 then back to speed 1after compound, polish using lake country polishing pad with meg;s M205, speed 1 to spread, speed 2 then back to speed 1after that seal the whole car with meg;s nxt 2.0 wax
as it was getting lake, i took these pic on the nx morning
i hav to admit, silver is harder to spot swirl marks
side viewhttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Og47FAwAZG4/TEwjkjJ6mHI/AAAAAAAABO4/7odc7kcKLFk/s320/DSC_0663.jpghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Og47FAwAZG4/TEwiYXqy8GI/AAAAAAAABOw/oaupim5qNaM/s320/DSC_0664.jpgscratches r gone, back wif more reflectionhttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Og47FAwAZG4/TEwiXgNx_MI/AAAAAAAABOo/LHzSJsDGbTg/s320/DSC_0665.jpgdin manage to clear a deep scratch there if u noticehttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Og47FAwAZG4/TEwiXO4zWEI/AAAAAAAABOg/P23FUoRQMco/s320/DSC_0666.jpgwould b clearer to see the scar of this car -.-http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Og47FAwAZG4/TEwiWmZjIqI/AAAAAAAABOY/-0mt1C3GcAY/s320/DSC_0667.jpg1 week after i detailed herhttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Og47FAwAZG4/TEwiWOuq2zI/AAAAAAAABOQ/v6QHFd4d6Z4/s320/DSC_0668.jpgcomparison of reflection of paint, probably its duel to the age of painthttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Og47FAwAZG4/TEweSJEm1VI/AAAAAAAABOI/gbf0BVvj_m8/s320/DSC_0669.jpgthe sun, then hide behind the cloudshttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Og47FAwAZG4/TEweRgsQYeI/AAAAAAAABOA/1Nen-6xfwDU/s320/DSC_0671.jpgmore reflection on the bonnethttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Og47FAwAZG4/TEweRA2e05I/AAAAAAAABN4/iN1nkKCeS8M/s320/DSC_0672.jpgthe roof, 1 serious fading area which probably due to birds poo poo is once again shineshttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Og47FAwAZG4/TEweQzGIOzI/AAAAAAAABNw/TWebFcrGVjM/s320/DSC_0673.jpgwater beading that slides from the car painthttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Og47FAwAZG4/TEweQakh2UI/AAAAAAAABNo/_gkqr9NA1Ek/s320/DSC_0674.jpgspent 5.5hours to detailed on what;s you're lookingfrom 3.30pm till 9pm -.-for larger pictureshttp://detailingworld.blogspot.com/2010/07/14yr-old-mercedes-benz-w210-detailed.html