Did my engine conversion and have all these leftovers for sale!I am contactable at 0126357111. If my phone is off I'm working so PLEASE send me an SMS and I will get back to you ASAP.
Automatic Gearbox from last batch of E30s + shifter + console with sport mode switch + Controller computer RM 2000 nego
Gear Console RM 80Steering covers RM 100
Steering coupling RM 80Steering wheel RM 40
m20b20 prop shaft RM 200
Glove box RM 50
Fan RM 80http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k470/ianhooi/E30/IMG_0386.jpghttp://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k470/ianhooi/E30/IMG_0387.jpgBrake Master Cylinder RM 400Brake pedal assembly RM 200http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k470/ianhooi/E30/ABSCONTROLUNIT.jpgABS controller RM 700http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k470/ianhooi/E30/LJETECU.jpgLJET ECU RM 300http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k470/ianhooi/E30/IMG_0398.jpgChrome Bumper Front and Back RM 250Spoiler RM 50http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k470/ianhooi/E30/IMG_0384.jpgSun Visor holder from convertible RM 50http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k470/ianhooi/E30/IMG_0383.jpgCracked Dashboard with Aircond vents RM 300http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k470/ianhooi/E30/IMG_0390.jpgVVarious Hoses RM 30 for allM20B20 LJET Engine with Wiring + ECU, Starter motor not working RM 800 (Photo On Request)Front Subframe with lower control arms not including steering rack RM 500 (Photo On Request)Rear Drum Brake subframe without differential RM 250 (Photo On Request)