Where can i find chop shop in JB ???

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Club Guest
Dec 9, 2004
Hello guys,Anyone here from JB can recommend some chop shop near Taman Daya ?I'm going to JB right now to visit friends, also try my luck to see can get anything there...Thanksss in advance....
hi Mr Kinaka

u go to Taman Daya

sure u know Taman Mount Astin

that side got many chop shop
for BMW got one
my friend 'ah B'

that shop name
JB Quality


happy holiday
Thanks dude,

ya i did went there... bought something from him..

price is higher than i found from other place...

but i like the way he serve his customer...

his white e30 so nice huh... got the arm rest sumore...

anyway.. where do you from joe ???

maybe we can meet up when i going to jb again...

i always go there to look for my friend during weekend..

thanks for you info anyway,....

actually i am working in JB
transfer KL half year already
but, every weekend go back BP, Johor

tomorrow also go back JB meeting

JB Quality 'mr ah b' thing not cheap
some time i just ask only
he got e30 already
i haven't see him so long

i see that u got so many thing to sale
u know-lah already CNY
money.......money........use many


have a nice day
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