Typical Malaysian attitude, culture...disease

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Club Guest
Dec 4, 2004
As I am attached to the hospitality industry, I see this as a typical Malaysian attitude towards planning. Yes, Malaysians for some reason seem to always want "an option" or an "escape clause" in the event that something does come up more important. Planning and booking of trips, domestic and overseas, we always never fail to see a surge in people wanting to go....during the holiday season, school hols, National festivals etc....at the last moment. What I fail to understand is, year in, year out, this happens all the time. Our National holidays (race, festive, cultural) are all fixed at the beginning of each calender year...but people still wait for the last minute rush...more often than not, by then everything is either booked up at super peak prices. Which brings me to this point....Our ANNUAL DINNER! This will be the most happening event for our club members and its happening in just about 32 days time. We have a list and some of you have penned down your names but unfortunately have yet to re-confirm. This is due to the dates being brought forward 1 week earlier...so as not to clash with what might be the eve of Ramadan. The committee has been working tirelessly to put together a spectacular and memorable show for everyone. The venue was specially chosen to accomodate what promises to be a "Glittering" event for STARS! Afterall, we are all of Star quality, arent we? Sponsors are sought for all sorts of prizes for lucky draws and goody bags, door gifts etc.... The pride for the evening, The Roundel Awards take center stage with all kinds of categories to suite different enthusiasts.. Even the entertainment for the night is brought together by our own members and forumers coming together to form The Band....just for this evening.A somesort of a One night performance only...so those who miss this may never get a chance to see/hear the Band in action again. All these fun elements and I have not even mentioned dinner yet. Food good for Kings and Head of States, not only tentalizingly sumptuous but delicately prepared by Master Chefs to excite even your 7th sense.....wherever and whatever that may be for you. And yes, for some the dinner seems a little pricey but hey, who knows, we might just be lucky and get a "reduction"....you just dont wanna be too late to register by then.... Mr XXX has over the last 2 days spammed every recent thread as a reminder but somehow that didnt seem to spur much interest either.....names just trickle in. So, dont be a a typical Malaysian and wait for the last minute again and start working those dates, sked the 16th Sept Saturday in your diary, log into the Annual Dinner 2006 thread, copy the registration list and highlight your name in Bold, Red! - CONFIRMED! Look forward to seeing all of you there! cheersOkow- an ordinary member who's looking forward to a blast of a time!
..Haha....you want a name for the Band?...
errr.....how does "The Beamers" sound!
wahhh..... soooooooooo exciting.... :D

wots in it for the ladies?? hehehehehhe!! :D
ah lian said:
wahhh..... soooooooooo exciting.... :D

wots in it for the ladies?? hehehehehhe!! :D

I heard there'll be a "Miss BMW Chinatown International Pageant" just when the last course to be served.... winner will be the ambassadoress for 'Chu Chong Kai' (Petaling Street) for a year... excited-leh..... hahahahhaha :D

*joking only ha*
Goos stuff Okow, Yes guys come on lets se more red names with the word confirmed next to it.
LumKyE46 said:
I heard there'll be a "Miss BMW Chinatown International Pageant" just when the last course to be served.... winner will be the ambassadoress for 'Chu Chong Kai' (Petaling Street) for a year... excited-leh..... hahahahhaha :D

*joking only ha*

wowsers.... the ladies are so pleased they are bouncing up and down with glee... errr NOT!!! cheh! sorry, we dun get turned on by some pageants... how about some ermmm attractions for the ladies?? lumpy lumky wanna shake your bon bons for us?? :D
ah lian said:
wowsers.... the ladies are so pleased they are bouncing up and down with glee... errr NOT!!! cheh! sorry, we dun get turned on by some pageants... how about some ermmm attractions for the ladies?? lumpy lumky wanna shake your bon bons for us?? :D

The 'Shake My Bon Bon' unplugged dvd will soon available to you for your private collection... :D :D enough for your to scream for MORE.. ouch!
But still applying permit from Finas.
show us your moves on the night of the annual dinner... lar...

else, it wud take like the next century for your unplugged dvds to reach me.... and when it does, my player wun be able to play them anymore! :p
Come On Guys & Gals,

Countdown begins! 31 more days to go!

(ps. Good on you KennyG...for reversing your decision to attend.. I guess you must have also heard the rumour about the babes that have been invited)
okow said:
Come On Guys & Gals,

Countdown begins! 31 more days to go!

(ps. Good on you KennyG...for reversing your decision to attend.. I guess you must have also heard the rumour about the babes that have been invited)

Yup, can't wait man....:D
wah how this thread is so easily ignored... or is it ? Is it just being looked into ? Too many people afraid to respond ? Whats happened to the many that constantly ask 'Whats Next ?".... Come on guys...
Everyday without fail, the first thing I do when I log into this site is to check into The Annual Dinner Registration thread....to see if the list of CONFIRMED attendees has increased and also hoping to see some familiar names of regular forumers that I will be able to finally put a face to their names that night.

Sigh...same old story this morning.........23 days left!
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