the one BMW ad we can all relate to

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Club Guest
Oct 7, 2009
An old drunk man once told me proudly that" I never went to bed with an ugly woman but...eeerrr..I sure woke up with a few"

Somewhere down the road you're gonna change your mind when that chick looks like Jessica Alba:listen:You might even be willing to roll that Beemer down the cliff for her....Don't mess with the power of love,buddy.

Then again,I do see the lighter side..hehe
haha you would think that after such experiences he would swear off alcohol, but then if he was proud of it thats a different all honesty, i find it a turn off when i start talking to a girl about cars and her eyes glaze over...true story, one said,"oh my dad bought a new bmw last month" then i asked excitedly, "what kind?"

"a black one" :stupid:

if i ever met the old man you mentioned, i would tell him something i heard,
"there are no ugly women, just not enough beer" :wink:
mizhan;462213 said:
you're obviously at least 10 years younger than me..

18 :wink: dont get me wrong, i do appreciate the lines and purposeful evil look of the e30 m3, but the m6's curves are just plain erotic
vish;462216 said:
18 :wink: dont get me wrong, i do appreciate the lines and purposeful evil look of the e30 m3, but the m6's curves are just plain erotic

Hmmm...for a guy who has his mind well and about eroticism(and I can relate to that),I'm surprised you frowned upon that girl who said so technically that it was a black car...were you planning to get into her dad's car or her pants?...personally,I'd go for the pants,never mind the car man...hehehe
haha if im gonna go for something, might as well make it count right?the plan was to get into her pants IN her dad's car :top: needless to say, none of that happened after her boyfriend found out what i was up to...
ok dude,this is getting a little too saucy for this forum.feel free to PM me for tips on how to get into pants without boyfriend knowing....:wink:
vish;462216 said:
18 :wink: dont get me wrong, i do appreciate the lines and purposeful evil look of the e30 m3, but the m6's curves are just plain erotic

i'm sorry young man, E30 M3 whoops M6's ass anytime!
fine i concede, but only because i wasnt born when the e30 m3 came out so i dont have the right to compare :wink: have you got an e30 m3?
Guna;462234 said:
ok dude,this is getting a little too saucy for this forum.feel free to PM me for tips on how to get into pants without boyfriend knowing....:wink:

Hehhe Guna.... I like the style :top: heheheh
mizhan;462304 said:
i'm sorry young man, E30 M3 whoops M6's ass anytime!

heheh chill bro... lets just wait for both of you young man get your dream E30 M3 & m6 and we go for a face off.:eek:
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