Pleasure? Sure is.
Good write up bro Nazrie.
I have some fellow riders who questioned me with regards to the co$t of maintenance, poor aftersales services by Glenmarie clans etc. A number voiced their interest in having a beemer but the (borrowing Nazries) 'heresay' had put them off. And they are bewildered as to why i still stick to a BMW (well, this is my third BMW).
After explaining the pros and cons (and after unintentionally demonstrated the elegance of an RT munching up straight as well as winding miles in respectable speeds:bandit: ) a couple had converted and got themselves an RT. Some had even secretively behind other fellow biker friends approached me and asked about the tips, pointers, etc with regards to my beemer. Do not want to do it openly, perhaps afraid of being ostracized by fellow Kawis and Yammys riders.
Used to ride Yammys, Kawis and Hondi but I love BMWs. Like mentioned, this my the third. Planning to have the fourth if i hit the 'tail number' :19: and it would be the GSA. Will still keep the RT though. I just love the bike.
Problems with after sales service? Yes they exist. Frustrating surely. Feels like whacking some head? Offcourse. But once you get your bum back on the beemer and wheezes it through the highways, the bike will restore your grin back to your grimacing face.
The complaints on the service should not be taken to extreme on part of the complainer. On the part of the party being complained at, it should serve as an alarm buzzing wake up call. Yeah I did make some ‘nasty’ remarks myself about this aspect too in another thread here but it is to pay due respect to myself (hey don’t you respect yourselves?), the paying client. Not to mention through the nose sometimes.
Did it work? I think it sure the hell did. If you’ve ever sent your crotch rocket to Autobavaria off late, you'll notice the difference. To Garry, Jeffry and the Glen's clan, thumb up (three quarter way
). I noticed what you did on my bike even though none of you mentioned it(I am an avid observer) and I appreciate those ‘touches’ that I believe add values to your services. No more rattles and open holes.
The complaints on the bike? Heck there are a quite few too. Do not plan to hide it either. The www is full of information and everyone can google them and write tomes about it. Some valid and others are not. Many forums of bike of the ‘other’ makes also discuss beemers. Understandably many negatives and only some positives remarks. Interestingly many negatives end up with the statement that goes like “well I hate BMWs because I heard they are blah blah blah, BUT if I have the money I would buy it too”. Do not take my word for it, google it. That is what I did before taking the plunge. And it ends up as one of the few plunges I never regretted to take.
Beemers, like other bikes have problems too. It is only that beemers (being somewhat an ‘exclusive’ brand ) have problems that appeared to be exclusive to beemers too. To me it is called character. Some you like, some you don’t. Have to live with it. I like the crude look of a reliable engine design, the boxer. But I sure hate the rattles but since I love it more that I hate it, I like it.
I love the wheezing smoothness of the GTR1400 (test rode that one before deciding on my third beemer) but the seating position, nimbleness and elegance of the RT won me over. Both are ‘garang’ bikes. The GTR is like a ‘garang’ Godzilla while the RT is like the ‘garang’ Optimus prime of the Transformers’. [ehem! Even more garang is the GSA, heck why must BMW keep bringing in models that keep us drooling]
At this moment, I am still a beemer rider. Hit the ‘tail number’ 2 times I’ll buy 2 more beemers GSA and the HP2 S. The third time, then only I’ll be buying something else, a Harley.
One may ask, why such a brand loyalty? I would conclude as:
1. My Beemer gives me enough practical speed. Other bike can go faster, but is it necessary?
2. My Beemer gives me assurance of superb handling. The telelever and paralever is phenomenal. Ride a beemer, brake or downshift at furious speed in mind numbing winding roads (crazy I know) then you would thank them levers. No other bike have them.
3. My Beemer gives me the reliability. Yeah maybe as mentioned above, problems do exist but hey, they have made many long way ups , downs and rounds and continued to be the preferred bike for such purpose. Why? Because they have many problems? No, because they have much-much more reliability.
4. Beemers give me something that no other bike can. It is the indescribable feeling when, right after you have satisfied yourself on her (the bike I mean), you get off her and give a passing glance at her capturing blue eyes, the BMW logo. God I love those.
And one more thing, only beemers entitle you for free ranges of coffees from cappuccino to espresso and cakes and pastries when you drop or pick up your bike at Glen’s.:beer:
Beemer Riders, Ride safe bro.