ressetting ecu

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Club Guest
Jun 4, 2006
hi guys..i remember that we have to reset our ecu after a mod to maximise on the new mod....but i m not sure how to do it in our udm.. do anyone have any idea on this?
anyone else have other ideas on this..nway thanx bro for u find any different after the practise?
+1 just disconnect the Positive terminal from the battery and leave it to stand for 15mins. The ECU will reset itself.

Yes there was a difference after the reset, but that kinda depends what your problem is.

Mine was the fact that the gearbox decided that it wanted to remain in a single gear.

After the reset, problem solved.
so u just disconnect?cause i heard some said u need to diconnect both n short them together.

thanx guys for replying..
Yup just remove the positive terminal for 15 mins.

About shorting it to get it to reset..... If anyone every advices you on shorting an electrical componet to get it to reset, they in a way are saying the truth.

It will 'reset' to the point that it will 'reset' and never work ever again.

So please do smack them on the head for that poorly thought up idea. Or you could ask them back, do i do the same to reset the clipsal safety switch that i have in my DB.
In theory, removing the postive wire and negative wire from the battery terminals will indeed cut out the supply to any electrical and electronic device that required 12 VDC in order to work.

By leaving the terminals disconnect for a few minutes, it will allows certain electronic device to slowly discharge any electrical energy stored in a capacitor. Once the energy is depleted, any stored information will automatically get wipe out in the RAM (Randome Acess Memory). That is why you need to reprogram your radio station whenever you disconnect the supply to the radio.

However, by shorting the positive and negative terminal together, you are in fact trying to "quickly" discharge the stored energy in the capacitor. However, this is not true because most of the electronic device have diodes incoporate in their circuit to protect the device from short circuiting and under voltage during engine cranking.

In conclusion, shorting the terminals does not harm the electronic as the potential difference is basically zero but whether it will quickly reset the ecu is another matter all together.
Emmm quite interesting... Just wanna to know bro... Myne is 94 E36 325.
Can I do the same thing .. I mean just removing the cables from the battery terminal.. I dont mine removing it over night n connect it the next morning...

But do we need to do any programming back....
As most of the Battery supplier will says that once u remove ur battery for quite some times.. ur car tunning will go off.. so u have to reprogram or tune it again!!
You don't need to leave it overnight, a few minutes of disconnection is sufficient. After reconnection, upon start up, the ECU will learn how to idle, rev, etc, all over again. The idling may hunt for a maybe half a day or so, after that everything will be back to normal.
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