Radio Star Alarm

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Club Guest
Dec 8, 2004
hev heard of em quite awhile.. i wonder if any of u guys usin it, perhaps u cld shre wiv us .. i do know webmaster tom is usin it eh? the leopard or dragon one eh dude? tell us ...rgds, B)kahar abdullah
yup wanting to know more about this system too..... i'm mainly interested with the 2 way alarm system....

tried once to get viper or clifford 2 way but then the price term was too picky and the features too.... :ph34r:
radiostar... hmmm... don't quite like the name... sound like roadstar or some thing you'd find at pasar malam... even if quality and features good also i might not buy...
well, frankly, i think it's one of the best gadgets for the money.
i mean you get the remote start function and extra button to turn on and open the boot or probably the sunroof(i didn't try that) plus, it's 2 way and it goes pretty far, tells u if someone's hacking ur car or if a cat's up your bonnet(variable sensitivity)

Be careful of the remote start function though. it's not just fun it's pretty darn dangerous as well.

laugh all you want but i always have my first gear engaged when i leave the car all the time. one of the first times i've played with it, i actually rear ended my other E34. pretty badly with the handbrake on, yes, the ignition powers the car pretty well, and since it cranks it till the engine starts, it continues sticking to the butt of the E34. slight damage on the E30 but cracked the E34's ass.

It disturbs me till now.

but it's a cool gadget for automatics no doubt.

check out, those Radiostar guys are there.
gr8 feedbck so far ... except by erica ... rmber the song video killed the radiostar! hahaha... mayb one day we'll hev videostar replacin the radiostar security system eh, just like those gadget used by pierce brosnan makin his 1st debut in james bond rmber? :D

well, i'll look ferward to readin more bout dis RS .... til then, i'll jump over to zth fer awhile to take a preview peek bit on dis item. :)

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
Originally posted by kahar@Jan 21 2005, 02:59 PM
gr8 feedbck so far... except by erica ...
aiks?! erica34 comments also considered feedback ka?! kindly ignore... that stoopid feller talking through his xhole... i think i saw him checking out radiostar in zth subsequent to his pissing about here...
erica : no worries, i hevta agree wiv u really, as far as the name is concerned, it sux big time .... heh :)

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
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