Radiator or Expansion Tank?

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Jun 24, 2005
Here goes again :( After topping up with 1.5 litre X 3 times today (warning came off from dashboard) , I spotted a leak at front bay right beneath expansion tank which later forming 2 wet patches on floor. Massive leak! Whole floor was wet with water+coolant. Using torchlight, it seems bottom part of exp tank has traces of water+coolant around it. Rest are ok, no wet.Got a not-knowing-it-all mech to have a look. Was told radiator faulty, need a radiator expert to fix it.Was wondering:1. Go straight to radiator man?2. Pretty sure exp tank is at fault?3. Send to the experts (workshop)? :unsure:
You might want to consider changing the entire radiator if you're radiator is old. It's less than RM700 plus workmanship and you get peace of mind FOC.
Buy new one lah bro, no point repairing lah if radiator expansion tank crack plus the radiator could be more than 10yrs also.
Originally posted by tongsatriani@Nov 30 2005, 01:02 AM

1. Go straight to radiator man?
2. Pretty sure exp tank is at fault?
3. Send to the experts (workshop)? :unsure:
depend on wer the leak came from, core or side tank , both can be replaced separately. if ur core is ori aluminum core, u need to find a welding shp that can weld alumnum. if the core is sopper, most welding shop can weld it. side tank can be source from any spareshop. its cheaper than replacing the whole rad. half the price when i did it for my e30.
dun waste time.. buy new.. doing it up or recondition it will cost you about 1/2 the price of new.. i wasted my money changing the expansion tank.. cost of new rad..

my 2 pots
Could it be just your radiator cap? That could be your first quick fix if you have never replaced it For all you know, that may be the only problem. If that does not work, get the workshop to do a pressure test. Or alternatively, go directly to the pressure test.
Prob fixed! ;) This morning I looked again. There is a fine crack shooting laser fine water after filling up in middle of exp tank. Got quoted an exp tank is 300++. Whole new set + radiator + cap 600++. Well, I went for the latter. Behr brand, got it done @ Heritage.

D#*n. I'd invest quite a lot on my wat-so-called-UDM. Yeah, rite
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