Hi guys…Sory coz not introduce myself first.. finally my threads block by mod hehehe.. tu la masuk umah org xbg salam hehehehe....-What do you drive: 2001 e46 1.9 japan spec-Male / Female: Male-Picture of you- will upload later-Location: Seremban, N.Sembilan-Occupation: Resident Engineer -How you came about to know bmwclubmalaysia.com?: Just knowing about car club becoz before this i came from official satriatuners club.com-When was it? about 1 months ago-What were you expecting or purpose coming to bmwclubmalaysia.com? Get knowledge about BMW cars esp about e46, medium for me to know each other bimmers members also get barang2 bmw.. -What do you expect from bmwclubmalaysia.com in the next 1-2 years? Chills with other members and have some fun by attend the convoy, sharing idea on upgrading ur bimmers -What are you planning to do in the next 2-3years?my target if some of my project to been success i want to married first then upgrading my car to x6.. maybe.. Regardsizzuddin hafeezjust to show my luvly baby white e46