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Club Guest
Jul 22, 2008
hi people, after i did some reading in the forum, i decided to do an intro before i kena taruh by fellow members here. actually, i did posted in the classified section prior to this... hehehe... -What do you drive: can i not tell? -Male / Female : male-Picture of you(optional) : i'm not attractive, thats why i need a bimmer. -Location: kl, pj, subang and sometimes overseas. -Occupation: pimp my company's product... not easy lah. -How you came about to know google and from other forums. -When was it? : a long long time ago... -What were you expecting or purpose coming to : intend to get a 325i. wanna dig more info and hope fellow members here willing share valuable info. -What do you expect from in the next 1-2 years? : ask not what the club can do for the members, let's see what the members can do for club lah... frankly speaking, i dunno what to expect lah... i'll see what i can contribute. -What are you planning to do in the next 2-3 years? : plan and hope to lead a better life lah... need to work smarter, i guess.
meanguy;344163 said:
welcome to the club dude!!!

Good luck in your search for your 325i!

thanks, dude.

but not many units of E46 325i available these days.

bimmers frens told me to get the 04 - 05 units / batch coz they come with many goodies.
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