What do you drive:E90 325 Sedan-Male / Female : male-Picture of you(optional) - as in my tag -Location: Petaling Jaya-Occupation: IT Manager-How you came about to know bmwclubmalaysia.com?:forum n friends-When was it? 2005, when i ws planing to buy E36, which did not happen.-What were you expecting or purpose coming to bmwclubmalaysia.com? Get expert opinions and review before making a decison to purchase or upgrade !! -What do you expect from bmwclubmalaysia.com in the next 1-2 years? to have more knowldge n friends, xtvties etc..-What are you planning to do in the next 2-3years? Personally to get the a new 5 series... or the worst to own a E60, 2008 model ~~~