my wish list in ascending order :
1. ice mod - wondering if dynavin/hua is still the hype. like the feature..been reading the thread about it and kena the racun already.(kena by just reading the post

2. i like that angel eye thingy..been reading about that..but my friend told me better get a proper set of the lamps than modify it.
3. exhaust piping - not crazy about speed...not to make it sound like a lorry or a sport car..more to performance than the sound (sure koyak poket punya ni).
4. new shoes
5. maybe a new skirting to make it more handsome
6. last but not least New color ( white or black)/ currently silver
pocket not that deep so i'll do it 1 at a time la..pelan2 kayuh
sifu over here can give a good racun la...
Hope my wish list can come true...