Neil Armstrong : 1930 - 2012

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Dec 31, 2009
Shy, brilliant, unassuming and the unlikeliest candidate to be the first human on the moon is gone.
Neil Armstrong, first astronaut to walk on the moon, dies at age 82Ned Potter - ABC NewsAugust 25th, 2012Neil Armstrong, the astronaut who became first to walk on the moon as commander of Apollo 11, has died. He was 82 years old.He was born in the small town of Wapakoneta, Ohio, on Aug. 5, 1930.On July 20, 1969, half a billion people -- a sixth of the world's population at the time -- watched a ghostly black-and-white television image as Armstrong backed down the ladder of the lunar landing ship Eagle, planted his left foot on the moon's surface, and said, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."Twenty minutes later his crewmate, Buzz Aldrin, joined him, and the world watched as the men spent the next two hours bounding around in the moon's light gravity, taking rock samples, setting up experiments, and taking now-iconic photographs."Isn't this fun?" Armstrong said over his radio link to Aldrin. The third member of the Apollo 11 crew, Michael L. Collins, orbited 60 miles overhead in the mission's command ship, Columbia. President Richard Nixon called their eight-day trip to the moon "the greatest week in the history of the world since the Creation."
..RIP Neil, as for Moon thing, ill keep my horses back, just to avoid spoiling the moment ..
RIP...Niel Armstrong...the first orang putih's name that I remembered during my childhood...some say he never walked on the moon, Uncle Sam just made of stories..don't really bother...
RIP.....i have read his only autobiography titled "First Man" and I thinks it by John Hansen.

Neil was a very down to earth, an engineering intellect, excellent test pilot ( not mean a gung ho dare devil type ), how he almost was killed too flying new contraptions, was extremely thrifty ( read abt his clapped out cars ) and a very reserved person. He lost his child thru sickness and resumed work, never showing his emotion. He left NASA inthe early 70s and started to lecture Engineering and is in fact a full feldge Professor. His 1st wife divorced him ( but he re-married ) and flies his own twin engine plane. As with any great person - he does not understand why the fuss should be on him or his fellow astronauts as he understood there were ten thousands, if not hundred thousands of persons involved in the space program. He very rarely gave interviews but I have seen one on Youtube which was a few years ago. It was also interesting to read the rivalry between the astronauts....from simple things like who will step on the moon first. its a good book to read though a bit thick!

Anyhow, he has taken a giant leap for mankind and may we all remember what humans can truly do, when we are all united as one. From the papers, his family wishes his memory to we giving him a wink each time we look at the moon!

RIP, Mr Neil - you will be missed. ( and yes, I have seen the Saturn 5 rocket in real at Houston and the lunar landing is no hoax )
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