Need advice before buying 318i

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Jan 17, 2010
hi all,I'm just sign up this club, cause want to know about BMW , hopefully this is the right place to asking about the BMW 3 series, actually i am looking for 318i, year 2000 ( price about RM60k - RM80k i think) and nak tanya pendapt otai2 di club ini dulu sebelum beli, my question is.1. Betul ke BMW ni kereta yg sangat manja or senang rosak?2. Sparepart mahal? 3. Hanya org yg bergaji RM10 keatas je boleh pakai (sbb sekali baiki mau ribu2)4. sekali service tukar engin oil and filter berapa? 5. boleh ke pakai tayar biasa jer, Dunlop ke, continental ke, falken ke?diharapkan saper2 yg ada 3 series ni boleh la bg pendapat diatas pengalaman sendiri utk lbh meyakinkan saya utk memiliki my dream car ni. sekarang tgh berfikir panjang sbb tak mahu menyesal kemudian hari sbb mungkin kereta akan tersadai jer depan rumah sbb tak mampu nak repair. he.....TQ
hi bro...welcome to BMWCM...

will try to answer some of the questions posed by you...

1. Betul ke BMW ni kereta yg sangat manja or senang rosak?
If you manage to get a good condition 2nd hand BMW and take care of it well e.g. frequent engine oil change maybe every 5,000 km, then, the car should be able to serve you well...all types of cars irrespective of make would surely have wear and tear e.g. engine and gearbox mountings,bushes, absorbers...even tyres

2. Sparepart mahal? will own a BMW which was previously worth around 200K, the car price depreciates...but not the parts...if you know where to get your parts and a good place to fix them, then it shouldn't be too expensive

3. Hanya org yg bergaji RM10 keatas je boleh pakai (sbb sekali baiki mau ribu2)
it's not always that your repairs will go up til thousands...unless your gearbox and engine keep some $$ for contingency purpose for repairs from time to time

4. sekali service tukar engin oil and filter berapa?
depends on the oil you choose e.g. semi or fully synthetic...even semi-synthetic has different prices e.g. castrol magnatec 4L is RM81, Mobil super 4L RM90. Different members here use different types of oil to suit their own preferences/ needs. oil filter around RM25 i think...

5. boleh ke pakai tayar biasa jer, Dunlop ke, continental ke, falken ke?
haha...apa apa jenama tayar pun boleh guna...except for tayar lori atau tractor...

bro...owning a BMW is not just being able to pay for the monthly need to have the money for the periodic services, the money for wear and tear, insurance, road tax...i would suggest that you try to find out what is the monthly installment like and how much do you have left after deducting all the expenses from your salary...if it's just cukup cukup, i would advice you to save for a few more years. This is because you've mentioned, you do not want the car parked in your porch for display only...i'm not trying to frighten you, but this is the reality...

good luck!!!
Thanks a lot for reply King82,

i'm just back from sunday car at PJ, got 3 BMW 318i but dont know the engin type whether E36 or E46, yg mana bagus between 36 or 46?
actually im the owner of Honda ( stream 04) with monthly RM1600, so i plan to reduce my instalment to below RM1000 p/month, that why im thinking to change the car, with the low risk but same performance like a my car now.

do anyone here can tell me how to purchase unregister car?
aku rasa beli direct dr dealer, i mean recon car lebih selamat dr beli kt tangan org, sbb kereta recon dah dibaiki mcm baru seblm di jual semula, betul ke cara aku pikir ni? he... ada pendapat lain?

still thinking.. he...
sunday car mart at taman jaya there? me and my uncle used to go there tengok tengok last time...E36 is slightly older than E46...depends on you actually...i think BMW and Honda maintenance is still quite different and BMW should cost slightly more...

haha...buying direct from owner does not mean that the car is not well-maintained, vice versa with dealers...some dealers will just do the necessary touch-ups, make it "attactive" enough and look for water fish (which means unsuspecting buyers). In any case, get a competant mechanic to do the necessary diagnostics and see what are the repairs needed...if the condition is fairly good and price is suitable, then go for it and get the wear and tear parts repaired...and it will be as good as new...

I'm not that experienced in BMWs. Therefore I could only provide you tip of the iceberg information. There are a lot of more experienced sifu in this forum whom i think would be more than happy to assist you for a cup of teh tarik and nasi lemak =) much do u think we should keep the money for "maintanence" only, i interested to buy 320i e90 recond U.K soon(maybe this year), using student AP, hope so!!!
maybe this is where i can give some advice...

i own a 320i E46...

in terms of your questions...
1) like what king mentioned... if you take care of the car... all is good...also if you want for a few things to spoil then of course la the cost will be a lot...
2) sparepart? hmmm.... if you are already driving a honda... i would say it's a little more only... not ridiculously high...
3) if 10k and above then i think the number of BMW on the road will be very little... :D
4) for blackoil for me.... oil+filter+workmanship = 400... 6 cylinder maaa if 318 which is 1.8 or 1.9 cheaper as usage of oil is less.
5) tire all depends on the size you use and how wide your tires are.... the wider and the bigger of course la expensive.... i just changed my rear tires which are 255/35/18 Nexen N6000 for 600 per piece.... some use staggered where front is not as wide as the back.
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