I recently successfully bid for the following items in Ebay(UK):- BMW E46 COUPE 325Ci & 330Ci COLOUR BROCHURE 2004 USAsee BMW E46 COUPE BROCHURE 1999 323Ci,328Ci +SUPPLEMENTsee Both items were from the same seller and I paid a combined postage of 9pounds++ for Royal Air Mail 1st Class. It has been 1 month since the seller posted the item(evidenced by a Certificate of Posting) but I havent received it. I had checked with the post office but was informed that w/o a tracking number, they cant check. This is the second time this year that my Ebay package has gone missing. Luckily the seller was kind enough to refund my payment. Nevertheless I am upset with the non delivery. Could it be Post Malaysia? Have you guys experienced such issues with your ebay purchases. Thanks.