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  • Click here to become an Official Member of BMW Club Malaysia Download Form 240getrag which I've used so far for so many many hundred moons ,which is underated..!! :p is still for sale.

The pakage:

1. 2 unit 240getrag :p

2.the linkages

3. the "batang" gear

4.the "hamba" pump(slave)

5.the propshafts front and rear

asking price rm2K non neg.

as for the rear diff....can point you where to get. my own recomended ratios: 3.64 and 3.73 :)

LSD not for sale... :p  two of them actually. Might add anuder one to my "kolek shen" :blush:

I'm no hurry in selling my giabok...whoever think they can get cheaper then mine...then go for it.  :p

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