My M50B20 is giving me too many problems so thinking about just junking it and replacing with a new engine BUT just spent a substantial amount of money on the gearbox which is now perfect. So, need to ask all the sifu:- Is the gearbox the same for the M50B20 and the M50B25? Mine is the GM 4 speed.- Does this also apply to Vanos and non-Vanos?- Have read somewhere that you can change the internals only to M50B25. Is this correct?One of the issues I have is that the engine runs a little hotter since I skimmed the head due to an overheating issue sometime back. That's why I decided it may be better to just change to a 'new' engine.Any advise is most appreciated as I need to decide whether to continue fixing it or to replace with a new engine.Many, many thanks in advance.