M3 or M5??

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Originally posted by Alvin@Jan 25 2006, 01:47 PM
Its ok. Me is shameless wan. Plus me no own nice new BMW. Only old dodgy one.
And old "dodgy" one which spends more time in the workshop than on the roads.... :rofl: :rofl: but not one to play play with, if I may add. :beaten: :beaten:

Anyway, give choco a chance.... for all you know, he may have rich parents.... I have a few colleagues who drive chun cars, sponsored by parents. :eek:
Parents or not, thats not the point. When want to ask something better to make clear. This is how the real world works or is this how one normally practice in ones work place? Better to start learning now.
Aiyoh, give the guy a break, man... He's just dreaming of an M3/M5, and he's not sure which one to dream of ma, so he ask us for advice. Eh, dreaming time very important too leh.
Originally posted by The Necessary@Jan 25 2006, 02:28 PM
Aiyoh, give the guy a break, man... He's just dreaming of an M3/M5, and he's not sure which one to dream of ma, so he ask us for advice. Eh, dreaming time very important too leh.
Errr... I'll have to agree with that. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Achievements start with dreams.

PS... Nec, u crack me up! :p
Originally posted by The Necessary@Jan 25 2006, 06:28 AM
Aiyoh, give the guy a break, man... He's just dreaming of an M3/M5, and he's not sure which one to dream of ma, so he ask us for advice. Eh, dreaming time very important too leh.
Just like how you still wet your bed dreaming of some young ah lians haahhaahhaa :D
Hahah...Glad ur guys reply...Negative or positive...Just to let u guys know...u dont have to be rich to drive ur own BMW...I can get a 3 series with only RM 40000 in hand..
Wanna bet? Try and read NST papers..There will be 3 times in a year the KASTAM people would open a 'lelong' parties...and by only bidding using ur small amount money u can even drive a Merc. CLK...if u have any contacts in KASTAM that's even better..though it's a 2ndhand car..i still can modified using the money i have..it's not that difficult..I already saw 1 of my lecturer did that and with having bank loan for only about RM80000, he now own 2 BMW 3 series from the 'lelong' thing....hahah...hows that sound??
hey ccltsf, this starts going towards cost. well, if cost is an issue then neither the m3 nor m5 would be so ideal assuming you manage to overcome the steep initial admission price, you need to factor in total ownership cost. depreciation, parts and labour will not be gentle. even a tyre change will be good enough for a full overhaul on a wira. sure you can just drive and not maintain the car/not pay road tax but we would strongly advise against that.

however, i must be quite insane to give advice because i don't own the e46 m3 and the e60 m5, so pretty much all i say is theoretical/bookwork/forum gas. then again i don't think anyone here qualify the statement above fully, even those who do partially falls into flash's category of rich man's son, which unfortunately despite that is not good enough to land him ah lian girls.

insane as i am though my boss just told me insanity is banging your head on the wall expecting something to change each time. thankfully i'm nowhere near there yet.
starfish- you can get an e30 for much less than 40k, just ask many of the members here! BMWs are not just for the rich- and that's a good thing!

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