Looking for a 1 series

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Club Guest
Oct 18, 2006
Hi, I"m looking for an used 1 series. What is a good year / model that you'd recommend? Budget below 100k. After going through so many sites i.e. Mudah, Motortrader and Carlist, I'm now a bit confused.. and here's why:2006 118i going for 80-90k2004 120i (local) going same price as above, 2004 (import) between 95k-110k.. and some later versions of 120i (2007) for 139k.. I know all operates on a 2.0 engine with a difference that the post 2006 unit's engines get about 20HP more. Hope to get some advise from the sifus here... Thanks in advance.
I believe there is one for sale in this forum. Search the 'Car For Sale' section and good luck hunting!
bro, where got 2006 118i priced between 80k-90k? should be rm90k-rm100k.

The difference between 118i & 120i is the extra hp. Both use the same engine (n46b20)
Hi bro...my is 2008 120i 2 door m-sport going to sell...if u interested just let me know...selling price is RM 139,800..thanks
Paid booking fee last Sunday. But owner decided not to sell his car!! damn pissed off. Not sure if the forum permits me to post up the number plate of the seller!

KIC, unfortunately, I'm looking for a 4 door car, so the 120i facelift won't work for me. Thanks for the offer.

Back to square one.
Good luck in your E87 hunting.

If you asked me 2 months ago, you could have considered my 118i hatchback.
duck;744500 said:
Hi, I"m looking for an used 1 series. What is a good year / model that you'd recommend? Budget below 100k.
After going through so many sites i.e. Mudah, Motortrader and Carlist, I'm now a bit confused.. and here's why:

2006 118i going for 80-90k
2004 120i (local) going same price as above, 2004 (import) between 95k-110k.. and some later versions of 120i (2007) for 139k.. I know all operates on a 2.0 engine with a difference that the post 2006 unit's engines get about 20HP more.

Hope to get some advise from the sifus here...

Thanks in advance.

I got my 2006 118i at 80k....
Just need be patient...

Lokk at mudah.my or motortrader magz

For more info on 118i please go to thread "118 a good buy?"


I'm selling out my 2010 118i. Price at Rm130k (nego). If you interested can email me at axp_tele@yahoo.com. Mileage ard 55k+. The car is at Tian Siang there for selling out.
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