Hello Anyone Basically who can guide me on the above issue, Scenario: I now owned an E30 318i fitted with a M42B18 engine using Motronic fuel Injection System. Due to a cracked oil pan, this Engine Suffered a Major Breakdown!!! Piston Con Rod BURST thru the engine block condemning the Engine to scarp metal. As a remedy, the car was reinstalled with M10B18 engine. Unfortunately for us in Kuching, we do not have many so called specialist dealing with the UDM. what happened essentailly was ..."the electrical specialist" connected the wire harness to the engine but couldnt get it to start...FOR 5 months.!!! Blame was accorded to many parts like ingition control unit (the mechanic called it a "SENSOR"!!!)...Previous half cut was an auto gearbox...wiring was different...blah...blah. I had taken the car back and started to learn about the setup of the car and engine. As I work in the IT line, I managed to trace that the car spark plugs wasnt firing. (1) Check the Igintion Coil ...there was incoming signal but no outgoing. So move to point (2) (2) Check the Distributor...discovered that it wasnt connected to the Inigition Control Unit. Borrowed an unit and test....Spark Plug still wouldnt fire. So move on to point (3) (3) After the above, decide to start from the beginning...that the ECU unit,...uninstalled the so call ECU from the half cut (Part Number Bosch Jetronic 0280 00328) and checked ....FOUND that the ECU motherboard was completely rusted and the capacitors was blown. So now I am thinking of using back the M42B18 fuel injection system. Goal is to swap over all wiring harness, ECU, manifold and fuel injectors.... Therefor before embarking on it wanna check with you all, had anyone ever tried it? Or had anyone ever come across articles for such swapping. Just incase u all are asking why try this...well(1) I know for sure that the m42B18 engines fuel injection system was working before engine was blown. (2) The Motronic system is more advanced and efficient than the Jetronic System and thus I would expect the engine will be more powerful and fuel efficient compared to before.(3) Broke Liaw...unless absolutely necessary then will spend more on parts. becos this Project is totally DIY. P/s I have the Haynes repair manual for the E30,E28 & E34. it is a PDF file comes complete with Diagrams and pictures. Anyone who want a copy, just PM me or go direct to this website to download. Regards