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Originally Posted by WKK

every body the era of problematic ins will be over soon... we will be going to the "Ageed Sum Assured" WILL BE COMING..... wait for the good news...I assure u is GENUINE.... Not more heartache and frustation

when is this coming along?

Insurance is to restore the insured back to the state before the accident occur. No matter what's the amount they pay, i believe if the amount is able to get you a car of the same make, model, year at the date of loss. It's well indemnified to me. No matter what compensation method they use.

For heavily modded cars, you can pay extra premium for things u added (most of it if not all). Juz like the windscreen. So, in the event of a theft or break-in, they would pay u the amount insured less depreciation or based on the current value of the thing.

But no matter how unfair they are..we still buy insurance..

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