Internet censorship soon?

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Club Guest
Dec 4, 2004
Just read in malaysiakini that the gormen is perqualifying companies for the tender to assist mcmc to regulate and censor the internet..a filter system will be established and this will block access to sites which is deemed a threat to the security and well being of the nation..looks like we are heading for an iron fisted rule...
aiyoo. no wonder I cannot access all the porn site using google lah..

Somebody is going to be chess off as the MSC promise is broken..
Just replace your DNS with foreign DNS and you'll bypass it for now.

Not sure if it'll be different if and when they do install the so-called filter. I think the gov is getting a little paranoid. I seriously hope this doesn't go through...or we'll end up like China..
loafer... need your advice on port forwarding. When will you free to guide me?
Ah yes.... we must all thank the gomen for saving us from ourselves.
when launching MSC, then PM ensured international community that Malaysia will not practice internet censorship, and this was done via act of Parliament. if they're gonna come up with some rubbish excuse now to 'filter' in some way, our nation's credibility will just go from bad to worse.
After this, I wonder what else they are going to censor...:dontknow:
Before the government censors me, I would like to state unequivocally that I would like to give a nice big :thefinger: to the people who want to control my right to read, view and hear what I want. If this censorship is implemented I fully support everyone who works towards breaking and bypassing it. In fact, I would do my best to have all my internet traffic bypass censorship using any means necessary.

Rest assured, any political party that supports censorship will not get my vote. I will vote for the other guy (or girl).
not to worry, some smartie will find away around it... the internet is something with no limits at some point... enjoy while u still can...

jarance, back to good old vcd's for porn... hehe ;)
sachseelan;444125 said:
not to worry, some smartie will find away around it... the internet is something with no limits at some point... enjoy while u still can...

jarance, back to good old vcd's for porn... hehe ;)

VCD is so out lah... Nowadays DVD lah.. :listen::top:

BTW, it been done lah. I mean the bypass.. Same like your company server trying to block you to access YouTube... Hee.. Hee...
next thing you know, they will implant some chip or micro-mites? (G I Joe) to control how we think and act? perhaps this is too high-tech now la...
So you have found a way. Care to share?:listen::top::love::rolleyes:

jarance;444129 said:
VCD is so out lah... Nowadays DVD lah.. :listen::top:

BTW, it been done lah. I mean the bypass.. Same like your company server trying to block you to access YouTube... Hee.. Hee...
Juan Powerblow;444208 said:
I'm totally against it. Love live freedom to surf and perv!

Love your freedom while you have it.....

PM just announced that there will be no censorship......just to make sure the rakyat forgets about it.....

then one day when JPB cannot surf his perv, we will know the real story.....:eek:
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