Interior Lights E34

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Club Guest
Jun 6, 2006
Hi anyone got any pics of the internal lights ..for reading/left/right or the rear..better still if anyone has a used unit sitting around...I'd buy it off you. Mine is acting up when the doors are open it's not working..but when i leave it in the ON's fine.Any help & feedback appreciated.dom
Maybe it's the door switch bad contact rather than lights, since you said it's fine when left in the ON mode.
I would suspect that it is the door switches. The last time my boot light was not working coz the switch's contact was bad so i sand paper the contact and it worked fine after that.
Check whether the light switches on, by opening the doors individually. If you open your left passenger door, and its still not switch on then its unlikely to be the door switch. Then next thing that could be faulty is the light control module, located below the rear seats.
Odly it worked like a charm.. No idea what I did differently...
when i open the doors it stayed on until i activated the alarm..locks went down shut..and lights out. ???

Will monitor and advice later.

Tks all.
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