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Jul 23, 2008
Hello, I'm glad to be here and discuss with BMWclub members. I don't have the ability to own a BMW, need to wait for a long long time i think.I'm thinking to build up a business but dont have any ideas, do you guys have any suggestion or even be a business partner? Thanks!
welcome to the club bro.

to own a bmw is not tat hard compare to start a biznes....
bmw1986;344381 said:
Hello, I'm glad to be here and discuss with BMWclub members. I don't have the ability to own a BMW, need to wait for a long long time i think.

I'm thinking to build up a business but dont have any ideas, do you guys have any suggestion or even be a business partner? Thanks!

bro, if you want something really bad you will definitely think of a way of getting it no matter how impossible it seems at first. the power of the mind can move mountains!

suggest to put your thoughts into pen n paper, be realistic and think of a business idea that is achievable and come up with a business plan and market projections and other factors that you will need to make your business plan a success. eg : capital investment, manpower, return of investment (roi), etc..etc..etc...

also, i'm curious. why do you want to be a partner in a business? why not run the business yourself or why does anyone want to be your partner? is it because you have special skills n contacts? is it because you have lots of cash and do not know what to do but to invest as a silent/sleeping partner? these are some of the questions you will need addressing.

make things happen instead of waiting for something to happen!

welcum to the club...!
Great and thanks, you suddenly woke me up. I know what am i going to do it now, i will own an bmw one day. Thanks for you guys
Hellraiser;344468 said:
bro, if you want something really bad you will definitely think of a way of getting it no matter how impossible it seems at first. the power of the mind can move mountains!

suggest to put your thoughts into pen n paper, be realistic and think of a business idea that is achievable and come up with a business plan and market projections and other factors that you will need to make your business plan a success. eg : capital investment, manpower, return of investment (roi), etc..etc..etc...

also, i'm curious. why do you want to be a partner in a business? why not run the business yourself or why does anyone want to be your partner? is it because you have special skills n contacts? is it because you have lots of cash and do not know what to do but to invest as a silent/sleeping partner? these are some of the questions you will need addressing.

make things happen instead of waiting for something to happen!

welcum to the club...!

I am meditated in Hellraiser's thread. His thread let's me realize that what's the meaning of positive thinking, planning, organisation, self confident & competitive or competency in our profession.

Successfully not just because of luck. But the attitude & positive thinking of people will do. AS one we achieve!!
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