hye all

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Club Guest
Apr 2, 2010
hye all, my name is kim and m new in this forum. m attached to a shop called ATS automobile and we do have lots of parts for BMW's, unfortunately i am not allowed to post commercials but i already did. m sorry. and m curious of how to accumulate points. please advice?? :top:
accumulate points? Why haven't i heard of this one before?

You know what....now that you've mentioned it....i'm curious too bro....LOL!
welcome kim.. suggest you approach our Managing Committee privately. who knows there might be a mutually beneficial arrangment between between you and this club.
lol. cool. thanks. =) i have parts for bmw's btw. E & M series, as well as parts fr AC,hamann and alpino. =)
welcome to the forum Kim ...maybe its the right time for you to join us an Official Member and experience the "friendliness" this forum has to offer :top::biggrin:
Hi Kim,

Firstly Welcome to the BMWCM Forum where Members and forummers share and contribute their knowlegde, know-how and experience in owning the BMW vehicles. If your intention is just to promote and sell your company products which is quite clear from the way you introduce yourself, then I am quite sure that this is not a suitable place for you to do this. In this case you could send a message to any of the managing committee with the proposal on the possible commercial agreement. The MC will then consider if it is viable on behalf of all the official members here.

Thank you.
hye t2ribena,

first of all i would like to apologize for the way i introduced myself on the forum, but my intensions arent to sell it here. least by introducing myself i state what i do for a living, and i love bimmers. but i dont own one yet, and here i am on this forum wanting to learn more about bimmers and experiene whats its like to be amongst the fortunate once who do own em like urself sir. i apologize to all members of BMWCM if i agitated any of u with my faulty intro, i hope in the future if i were to post something on the forum i will still receive friendly respond and knowledge shared with me.

my sincere apologies,
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