How to upload picture

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upload in hosting hosting site first (like photobucket) then copy link and stick on post.

can upload directly from computer also but picture will turn out small as this website limits the size of the picture (because the pic will take up too much space on this server)
so i'ts better to upload to host first then paste it on your post. after you're done click preview to see if it works then only post it
Thanks guru but still have difficulty to comprehence. Computer not so savvy la. If situation permit, can please step by step instruction ah?
Have tried option 2 of direct upload from computer and you are rite...file too big.
ya you can up load direct from pc but you have to resize it 1st to the permitted size allowed by this website..but picture will be tiny
so upload to account there's free

win XP have built-in resizer... right click on the image file (.jpg, gif, etc) and select Resize Pictures. A wizard will pop-out. You select the resolution you wanted (640x480, etc) and then click OK. It will then create a copy of the image with the selected resolution.
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