How far can you trust your mechanic?

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Club Guest
Apr 2, 2007
Dear Bro,I just had my maintenance done at one of the UDM shops in Selangor.I know this threads suppose to be in the parts , maintenance and list of blacklisted workshop you suppose to avoid.I want to start this new thread and think for ourselves , How far can you trust your mechanic and what is your answers?Name of mechanic and shop withheld unless approved by the moderator.I am sure the moderator are indebted to them, be it their teh tarik kaki or close personal friends and also to protect the reputations of the workshop.Hope this exprience will be shares by all and you be the judge!I went to BMW stockist and ask about the shock absorber set ,2 front and 2 rear.The Boss told me I can have them for RM$1000, made by Boogie.I did not buy as I want to find out from my mechanic .When to UDM workshop and mechanic told me not to buy from others cost they are craps. He told me he will recommend a better quality shockers and included all the hardwares with no extra cost at the price of RM$1600. I agreed and trusted him and then get on with the job.Then came the stockist with the spares parts and what a shock! it was the same fellow,Boss, whom I met earlier. I did not say anything cost Boss told me earlier,not to tell any mechanic the prices he quote me otherwise he kenal taruh Kau kau from them.I had a look at the shockers, same maker, Boogie and all the hardwares are included in the box.List of things done1. replace shocker 4 off Rm16002/.replace fuel pump + labour Rm5503/.replace air intake adjuster unit and fix Rm950 (also look for this thread)Total damage Rm3,100!!!!! Wwwwahhhhh! so much money spend on only 3 things.Pay by credit cards, and left me sulking and feel miserable for days. I think I feel cheated for the shock absorber. None UDM mechanic only chargedRm30 for single shock replacement service.This UDM guy is charging me almost Rm600 extra just to replace my shocker.No point to argue during that time as I had already made the deal with him.He really had my Balls squeezed this time.This fellow is well known in the UDM circles and I always respected and trusted him.He's also a smooth talker and always had ready answers up in his sleeves i.ehe will tell you that car and or this car in his workshop going extensive repair just b'cos the owner don't want to listen to him to change this craps or that craps, just b'cos it's too expensive! I bought my 325i 2002 model since February this year and to date, I had spend almost Rm9000 just for maintenance at this fellow workshop.I think I depend on him too much and at his mercy or could it be my own folly???What say you all brothers out there and how can we learn from this experiences????Courtesy of my burned out walletImpulse
I think all of us at one stage or another sure kena from this type of farkers one. My condolences on your expensive outings. Best keep a wide berth from this fella.
if u think u had been done injustice...dun be frightened to mention the name of the workshop and the person responsible.

so what if the moderators/admins go there or not, in the end, they are not being cheated. its you that was ripped off. by you staying quiet and not bringing it up, many future customers could be ripped off due to their ignorance.
I kena potong by one fella in OKR kaw kaw. Think a lot of other have been too. So if you don't want to review the name , maybe just the location.
why are you worried to say the name of the shop ?

just say it.. write it down here.
Agreed with pussy...why not just name the shop here. If you only put location...may be got 2 or more others BMW workshop at that location. Unfair is it? Like OKR i think got more than one workshop that work on BMW.:stupid:

my 1 peso
Lets have a workshop review section where people will be able to post their experience (good or bad).

I've also have an experience with a workshop in that location who charges different rates for different people.
For costing purpose, you should call and survey couples of shops for price comparison. Do not rely to one mechanic. The first service might be cheap, but they will slowly cut your next in the future. What I always do is call AB for price quotation and compare with my mechanics. If the price is more and less the same, I will send my bimmer to AB instead. If outside is cheaper, I always call another shop and compare one another.
Agreed. This is just a forum, and anything stated here are just opinions and experiences, not necessarily the whole gospel truth. So put down the workshop name and leave it to us to use our own discretion to judge.

I am sure moderators too are not 100% biased. They might just call up the mechanic and seek proper explanation. If anything, the guy will think twice before he tries to do the same thing again.
Agreed with the opinions given so far. Honesty is still the best policy. Just like what Chips did at Autoworld and what he is doing at Motortrader now, he will forward the complaints to the company or mechanic concerned to obtain their feedback (if any). Maybe the moderators here can do the same thing (just a suggestion lah, I know everybody is busy with their own works). If the allegations are mere slander and contains untruth, let the mechanic concerned replies,either by himself or thru the moderator. Sooner or later, people will find out he truth.
sorry to hear about your loss.make it a point to only buy from the auto bavaria shop like in ss2 and then just give to a mech and let them charge you labor.thats what i do now after getting burnt once!:)
i normally expect the mechanics to make about 20% profit on parts and charge a nominal labour charge.......

i roughly know what the prices are and do not mind a 10 to 20% mark up as the full accountability lies with the getting the parts myself, i might save RM100 to RM200 on average but its the hassle of the multiple trips. Furthermore, if the parts are wrong or there is some issue with it, the mechanic can blame the parts.......

If it was bought through the mechanic, then 100% ownership of parts quality and installation lies with them....
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