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Zahari M

Club Guest
Sep 11, 2013
Hi Everyone!The names ZahariI saw that there was a template for us newbies.... so I copied it and shall now start filling it in...-What do you drive: An old Proton Wira and an old Mitsubishi Pajero :)-Male / Female: Male.-Picture of you(optional): Pass!-Location: Selangor.-Occupation: Used to repair and restore cars, including BMWs, a long time ago. I am now trying / struggling to start a business making training and promotional videos and other marketing materials and collaterals for businesses to get more sales / leads / awareness blah blah blah...-How you came about to know bmwclubmalaysia.com?: Google of course!-When was it? Just!-What were you expecting or purpose coming to bmwclubmalaysia.com? I have come here to learn more about the BMW model range! -What do you expect from bmwclubmalaysia.com in the next 1-2 years? To learn more about BMW's and the automotive industry.-What are you planning to do in the next 2-3years? Make a name for myself.Look forward to learning from you guys!CheersZahari
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