help! please?

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Club Guest
Jan 29, 2009
Hi guys, I've posted this before elsewhere but would like to see if anyone could provide their two cents before I go ahead and dump a bunch of unnecessary cash. also, would def appreciate comments from anyone with shared experience with the problem below:1)started the car cold in the morning. it idled for 2 seconds and then choked/cut-off. repeated this another 3/4 times before i finally managed to get the car moving out of the parking lot. engine chokes and dies each time I step on the clutch.2)once the car is warmer, I'm able to drive relatively normally except for the fact that throttle response is now a millisecond slower. also, when the car is idling, its always under threat of cutting off when I try to get it going again. in the past, I'm could always get going in second gear from standstill, most times even in third. now, not a chance.of course I went straight to my mech and the first thing he did was to calibrate the CO. then after the engine cooled, he worked on the AFM, ICV, and throttle cable. anyway, he suspects the AFM is faulty. advised to see if his tuning would help and as an aside, dump in some fuel injector cleaner for good measure (am running a m20b25 btw).so I took it out on the highway to give the engine a good run after and it behaves much the same. while at speed, no real problems. except for this one time when i had to quickly slow down from 140kmh to 40kmh in a short distance did the engine die. apart from that, only when i slow down and try to get it moving again, i have to make sure that the rpm is over 1k before i lift the clutch. sorry for the uber long post. thought i try to be as descriptive as possible. would appreciate any feedback.
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