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Club Guest
Nov 6, 2007
Salam and Hello all. Just to introduce myself. Recently sent my membership application for BMWCM.-What do you drive: 2006 E60 520i-Male / Female: Male-Picture of you(optional): -Location: Melaka -Occupation: Bomoh-How you came about to know bmwclubmalaysia.com?: Surfed the www-When was it? Recently-What were you expecting or purpose coming to bmwclubmalaysia.com? Learn from the experienced owners-What do you expect from bmwclubmalaysia.com in the next 1-2 years? A bigger club with more active members-What are you planning to do in the next 2-3years? Enjoy my UDM :)Have a good day!sibi
Hi sibi,...

Welcome to the club.

Wah..what type bomoh u do? Ada specialisation ka? :D
gregcwho;297013 said:
Hi sibi,...

Welcome to the club.

Wah..what type bomoh u do? Ada specialisation ka? :D

Thanks for the warm welcome :1:

Bomoh hujan! he he
Bomoh election ke...??? Time time macam nie, bomoh tumbuh macam cendawan. Maklum lah...

Anyways, welcome to the Club's forum...

QD250;297064 said:
welcome to the forum....

come to TT to be welcomed to the club...

Thanks for the welcome wishes all.

Will endeavour to attend the TT sessions and meet up with fellow members/forumners.:top:
wuuuuuuhhhhooooooo bomoh in da hse....................u r in the rite club & hope to meet u at TT & lastly dont forget to sign up as official member yeah
apa la lu bailey bomoh kita dah official dah... tengok tu nama pun dah biru... caya la bro sibi... tak macam kawan kita yang lagi sorang tu... nama aje biru tapi tak official pun... hehehe

WELCOME.....dan pak bomoh tolong tengokkan bulan MAC ni redbaron tu nak pegi Monthly Weekend Drive kat mane......aarrr.
bluepanther;297619 said:

WELCOME.....dan pak bomoh tolong tengokkan bulan MAC ni redbaron tu nak pegi Monthly Weekend Drive kat mane......aarrr.

Thank you. Mengikut firasat, Redbarrron will be driving in Peninsular Malaysia. That is accurate enough right ? :)
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