Hello ... greetings from down south .... :)

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Club Guest
Aug 5, 2011
Hi all ... been registered in BCM for awhile but didn't intro myself properly. Here goes ...-What do you drive: E46-Male-Picture of you --- err ... me kinda shy ... can see pic of my car in Avatar instead ... :p-Location: JB/SG-Occupation: Pro Money Lender (read: loan shark ...) .... seriously, I'm in Education .... i know ... i know ... there's not much $$$ to be made there ... but its an honest day-job .... -How you came about to know bmwclubmalaysia.com?: Thank Larry Page & Sergey Brin for GOOGLE-When was it? Quite awhile back ... sorry, losing my memory already due to ageing ... :40:-What were you expecting or purpose coming to bmwclubmalaysia.com? Superb resource for info and getting to know like-minded people!!! Right?? Right???? :rock:-What do you expect from bmwclubmalaysia.com in the next 1-2 years? Whoa ... this question maciam like I go for job interview .... lols... honestly, i'm not expecting anything from BCM in the near future, medium or long term ... -What are you planning to do in the next 2-3years? Whoa and big WHOA (sounds like my in-laws interviewing me before i got married! :adore:) ... let's see ... be a CEO in an MNC ... no, no ... run for Bersih campaign ... ermm ..no, I dunno man ... me quite happy go lucky :4:
Hi mr TNG...i'm in education too...welcome to the forum
Thank u ... Thank u ... Btw, I uploaded my Avatar but doesn't seem to appear below my call sign. Any ideas? Newbie here ... :top:

UPDATE: Finally can already! duh ...
Thanks buddy ...

What happened to JamesKN? Suddenly got banned ... undesirable post? :wink:
Finally found out how to customize my Avatar ... ignore my earlier post ... :cool:
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