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Club Guest
Apr 21, 2011
Hello all,I'm a new user here.. 27 y.o, female..I live in PJ. Currently working with market research company in PJ..Cheers! :)Hi,We are looking for BMW owner who interested to participate in our group discussion for our consumer research studies where we would like to get your opinions and sharing your experienced using your current car. For two hours discussion you will receive RM 300 cash after the session.Below are the criteria that we are looking for:1- Age between 25-50 years old2- Able to speak in English fluently3- Date: 11th May 2011 (Wednesday) 4- Time: 11:00 a.m -1:30 p.m5- Venue: Sheraton Imperial Hotel, KL6 -Incentive: Each participant will receive a cash of RM 300 after the group session.Interested respondent, do e-mail me at nuur@qpa.com.my. Please provide the details below:Full Name:Contact Number:E-mail Address:Age:Gender:Race:Occupation:Company Name:Current Type & Car Model you currently own:Length of car usage: ___ years Do visit our company website: www.qpa.com.my
Hi Nuur, welcome to the forums. There's a template for newbies to fill up if you need guidance:

# -What do you drive:

# -Male / Female

# -Picture of you(optional)

# -Location:

# -Occupation:

# -How you came about to know bmwclubmalaysia.com?:

# -When was it?

# -What were you expecting or purpose coming to bmwclubmalaysia.com?

# -What do you expect from bmwclubmalaysia.com in the next 1-2 years?

# -What are you planning to do in the next 2-3years?

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