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Bro, I think enough has been shared. This is the first time something like this has happened and no one has the expertise how to go about it from using mud to plug the source to throwing junk to jam up the spill. Main culprits here - BP, Halliburton and Transocean.


Sure, blow it up to stop the leak but that would be another ecological disaster as well. I dunno what to say, we can send a man to the moon and there are plans to send to Mars but we can handle something in our own home.


In time to come our children wouldn't even know what a fish looks like because there will be nothing left but a dead ocean void of life.


maybe they should send a submarine to ram the leak, "cork-ing" it in the process. Maybe we should use the Malaysian sub. It can't submerge anyway so might as well put it to good use!

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