Freshly tarred roads: the surest sign...

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Club Guest
Jun 27, 2010
..that elections are just around the corner!Other usual signs that the GE's are impending also include the climbing KLCI, a steady torrent of big projects announcements, new voter sign up drive stations..It really struck home when driving around town over the last week that freshly surfaced roads have appeared all over. Just to name a few major locations:1. Bangsar, around BSC2. Roads around the Parliament3. Large sections of the MRR2 around Melawati, Melati, GombakThis thread's just for fun - do share locations if the roads around you have suddenly become pothole-free and smooth like babies bottoms, so that we can tear around them in our machines with confidence.Freshly tarred roads - they are the surest sign!
& not forgetting certain stretches of the Federal Highway.

I do wish they'd sort out the roundabout around Persiaran Kewajipan/Summit USJ [Sri KL] cos that place is just an accident waiting to happen.
Not really true.. It was year end sales and town council have to utilise all the budget allocated for the fiscal year.
While I'm all for smooth roads.. I really hope for our(the public) safety that they also REPAINT the lines!

Jesus christ, some parts of the MRR2 is just a giant slab of black tar with no lane lines what so ever. Altho last time I used that road was few weeks ago. =P
the newly tarred roads are not so kind to my car..... full of tar on the white E60 ... huwaaa
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