Forum Housekeeping

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Founding Member
Nov 25, 2004
Dear all,Thanks for supporting BMWCLUB Malaysia and welcome aboard. It has been a fun few months and more exciting happenings will be coming your way in the next few.Recently we have found much UN-NEEDED lame postings. Don't be annoyed. BMWCLUB Malaysia is not being unfriendly but is trying to make the forums more useful to the public who needs their questions answered and etc. We've noticed that a lot of topics which required serious feedback has been unnecessarily laughed at, criticized, hijacked and so on. This has caused the original poster to shy away fom participating further in this forum.To ensure that this forum is resourceful and add value to your daily life, especially those pertaining to maintenance of your beloved UDM, all posts and topics need to be realistic and useful.One thing is for sure, please do not post if you:-have nothing useful to add to the topic-don't know what you're saying-just want to post smileys-don't know what's the answer-try to be funny-are not interested in what the topic is trying to sell-are asking silly questions-are diverting from the topic-are trying to be funny posting the whole thing in another language other than English-are trying to be unfriendlythe list goes on and on.lame posts will be deleted and lamers will be banned.Please be informed that housekeeping will be conducted this week. Don't fret if you find some of your postings missing. Your overall post counts will not changed. We have to allocate more space for more serious subject matters (priority given to BMW related issues).Tom and his team will also be introducing titles soon i.e. gold member, platinum member, etc.ThanksKelvin Hong aka DareDevilProTem President BMWCLUB MalaysiaTomAdministrator & WebmasterBMWCLUB Malaysia
Fact no 1: We ARE the OFFICIAL BMW Club of Malaysia.

I don't know if you understand the weight that this official titles carries. A giant multinational corporation has allowed us to affiliate ourselves with them due to our consumption and adoration of their products and with this comes certain inescapable responsibilities. Our club activities and forum IS monitored by the Internatinal Council of BMW Clubs in Germany. As a sign of respect to this affiliation we should uphold certain standards and qualities. (If I have to explain this in detail, then you should not be part of this club or forum).

Fact No 2: This IS a car club.

The reason most people join car clubs is to gain and share knowledge of their rides whilst expanding their social circle in the process. In view of the fact that people ARE social creatures, that's why this forum has the GENERAL DISCUSSIONS and AUTOBAHN sections.

Fact No 3: We are seekin approval from the REGISTRAR OF SOCIETIES.

In the process of seeking approval, we will be and are under scrutiny from several government bodies. If we persist in tomfoolery and presenting ourselves as a bunch of shallow idiots, how? pray tell, will we ever get approval?

The primary reason a lot of people join clubs and forums of this nature is primarily for technical information. If a newbie asks a specific question (and this happens ALL the time), it usually starts off fine and then it becomes a private conversation among certain individuals who don't seem to have respect for the newbie and his question. How would this feel if the tables were turned?

Like it or not we are the BMW CLUB of MALAYSIA. As we wish to be official in the eyes of our own government, there is, if at all, little tolerance for these matters. I know that we are on the WWW but we have to uphold Malaysian values.

Most of us have met have have forged new friendships through this club and forum, but bear in mind those who only participate online. Not everyone appreciates the 'private moments' that pervade in a lot of the threads.

Let's keep it simple:

1. Keep the technical threads technical.
2. Socialise in the appropriate categories.
3. Try your level best not to use profanity/ adult content
4. FOCUS............this is a car club.

This club belongs to its' members, what you want/expect from it lies solely in your hands.

To adhere to the principles and the responsibilities of being an officially recognized and sanctioned club also lies in your hands.

There are forum members that start 'sensational/scandalous/catalytic' topics and always will. Think about the abovementioned facts before reacting to these posts.

Make it or break it, you decide.

I do not pressume to lecture anyone here but since 5201 asked, I felt that it was only fair to provide him with a factual answer.(BTW, 5201, none of this is directed towards you in any way.)

I hope that this sheds some light on the matter. For the reasons aforementioned, the committee and moderators have to police this forum.

I hope that this clarifies matters.

Kevin Kung aka Kevster30
ProTem Vice President
BMWCLUB Malaysia
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