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Hi F10 owners, early this year, out of nowhere & out of no reason, a wild thought just pop up in my mind, "get a BMW, YOLO" XD... At first my shortlisted models are E90, E60, F30 & F10. After viewing those cars in person, I've concluded that F10 would be "the one"...

Question, there're many specs available for F10, which spec is more recommended? And why? Should stick to local only or recon also recommended? My budget is within 150k.

Here are my thoughts, correct me if I were wrong:

523i local (2.5L non-turbo L6):

sweet 6 cylinder sound, may be less problematic as non-turbocharged, price is low;

but no pedal shifter, probably has higher fuel consumption, torque output doesn't looks convincing, very old model.

520d local:

very high torque output, heard that it's the least problematic model, fuel saving;

but no pedal shifter, petrol station with Euro 5 diesel is too far away from my place.

520i local:

higher torque output than 523i, LCI version is still within my budget and having goodies that i need;

I'm skeptic on the turbo.

528i local:

good performance, non-LCI version already having most goodies that i need;

I'm skeptic on the turbo, previous owner may had "fully enjoyed" it.

Currently I'm driving a Peugeot 408 1.6 Turbo, I'm somehow more leaning towards a non-turbocharged F10, which is 523i; but at the same time, LCI 520i looks very appealing to me, just the turbo...

Suggestions/recommendations/corrections or offers are welcomed, thanks.

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