Looks like the poster didn't know the meaning of the acronym he used.

Also how can anyone plan to get the LCI when it's not out yet? Funny question.
Anyway, I'll put you out of your misery Spygames. What LCI is depends on what you are. These are actual meanings of LCI.
Businessman: Lions Club International
Finance guy: Letters of Credit Import
Army bloke: Landing Craft Infantry
Computer geek: Linux Certified Instructor
Electrical engineer: Load Commutated Inverter
Physics brainiac: Low Coherence Interferometry
Lawyer: Law Commission of India
Hahahaha! I could go on and on and on!
Okay, okay, seriously, it's Life Cycle Impulse - a standard automotive industry term for MID-LIFE FACELIFT.
Just be careful not to tell your wife or GF that you think she needs an LCI. Hahahaha!