E36 Owner club thailand video

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Club Guest
Jan 15, 2011
[video=youtube;ASCedNmPHYs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASCedNmPHYs[/video][video=youtube;bAc12eknpng]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAc12eknpng&feature=related[/video]another video but longer
Damn cun2 semuanya...bila nak hold gathering for e36 owners?
Those Thais sure know how to treat their Bimmers well! :love: :adore:

Thanks for sharing bro!
hahhahaah awesome... Maybe i should pay them a visit one day.
Maybe u guys can have a Mega Gathering with Thais e36 some day?
Hi apiz....Thanks for sharing the video...WOW!!! AWESOME!!!! That's what i can describe....
If any of you want to organize a trip to thailand....pls put me in.....I worked there (thailand) before....we can make a visit to their club...i think it will be interesting....Thanks again for the video clips....
meet them halfway.....that is a good ideal ......maybe in HATYAI.....all of us can drive there.....
any corresponding member over there ....? as their side everything is in thai ...
awesome video ... Thanks for sharing bro apiz :top:

Now makes me want to own an E36 :love:
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