E34 Power Steering Noise

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Dec 8, 2004
I ocasionally have this intermitted power steering noises when I turn the steering wheel at certain angles. I was told by a mechanic that it was due to me using a fabricated high pressure power steering hose. Apparently the fabricated hoses QC not so good and the valve has a tendency to be clogged or not fabricated properly. Anyone have a similar problem or have problems with using fabricated or repaired high pressure power steering hoses?. Its just ridiculous how much a new original high pressure host cost... a whopping $700 buckaroos. !#*$&)!*! Crazy lah.
what valve do you mean?was the noise there b4 u use this fabricated hoses?my hose was leaking b4 where the steel part meets the flexible hose side and i fixed it by using 2 garden hose clips and it's been fine since.this was 4 years ago.
Originally posted by ehoe@Jan 31 2005, 02:35 AM
I ocasionally have this intermitted power steering noises when I turn the steering wheel at certain angles. I was told by a mechanic that it was due to me using a fabricated high pressure power steering hose. Apparently the fabricated hoses QC not so good and the valve has a tendency to be clogged or not fabricated properly.

Anyone have a similar problem or have problems with using fabricated or repaired high pressure power steering hoses?. Its just ridiculous how much a new original high pressure host cost... a whopping $700 buckaroos. !#*$&)!*! Crazy lah.
yeah... had my original high pressure hose replaced with a fabricated ones as well recently. But was cautioned by the mech that 1 out of 10 of those fabricated hose will have that noise if the valve salvaged from the original hose is not inserted properly into the fabricated hose. Well, I guess that is the risk we got to take (hoping the fabricator does a good job) for not wanting to fork out that obsene amount of money for just a simple hose. Damn, original BMW things are so expensive!!!
Your mechanic is right. You have to use the original hose, I had similar experience with my Accord, the steering will even vibrate and make the funny noise.

Moots, I think the hose you referring to is from the reservoir to the power steering (low pressure) and this hose our friend is referring to is from power steering pump to the steering box (high pressure).

Just to update all, it is confirmed that it was the fabricated high pressure power steering hose that was causing the 'noise'. Had that replaced and its now nice and silent. :D

So for those contemplating using a fabricated hose to save some moolah's, I would recommend you seriously consider getting a new ori hose to avoid it giving you problems a few months down the road. I think perhaps sourching for a good condition 2nd hand hose oso better than a fabricated hose.

Thanks again to all the sifu's for the help and advice.
ehoe, what sort of intermittent noise were you experiencing? Humming sound?
Originally posted by flash@Feb 16 2005, 07:45 PM
ehoe, what sort of intermittent noise were you experiencing? Humming sound?
Yeah at certain steering angles I get this humming/rattling noise. It kinda sounds like the power steering pump is starved of oil. Its a very annoying sound so had the hose replaced. If you having a similar problem, suggest you check the high pressure hose, apparently its a very common problem esp if you are using a fabricated hose.

Good luck...
Thanks bro... I do have the humming sound cumming off and on but it sounded like cumming from the gearbox (torque converter). Gotta put my ear to the test again... sigh. :(
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