Does he have brain fart when he join Army ?

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Dec 9, 2004
Nation Sunday October 21, 2007Malaysian files suit over Iraq duty LOS ANGELES: A Malaysian-born US Army soldier has launched a legal bid to prevent being sent to Iraq, claiming deployment to the war zone would conflict with his religious beliefs, lawyers said on Friday. Calvin Lee Chee Keong, a 26-year-old Malaysian who has permanent residency in the United States, said in a lawsuit filed here that he had been duped into joining the military by recruiters in 2004. Lee, a Buddhist, said he had been told he would never have to leave the United States during his three years' military service or go to war, lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said. However, he sought conscientious objector status after discovering that his service was being extended and his unit was being deployed to Iraq, the ACLU said in a statement. “Every action of killing is so evil and wrong, I don’t want to do any evil things and see any suffering happening right in front of my eyes,” Lee said in the statement. The Department of the Army rejected his conscientious objector application without explanation despite recommendations for his release by army officers, a chaplain and a mental health specialist, the ACLU said. “Based on the record, the army has no basis in fact and no good reason to refuse Calvin’s application,” said Deborah Karpatkin, Lee’s attorney. “As Calvin wrote in his CO application, he learned in the army that America is about seeking religious freedom.” A spokesman for the army declined to comment. Lee, who is currently assigned to the 58th Combat Engineer Company based at Fort Irwin, California, joined the army in 2004 after a recruiter approached him at a job fair in San Francisco, the ACLU said. Despite his uneasiness, Lee continued to work, turning down promotions in rank and salary as he felt his faith required, the ACLU said. By November, Lee applied to a Malaysian temple to live as a monk after the end of his army service, which was originally scheduled for September, the ACLU said. But in December, the army informed Lee that his term of service was being extended and his unit would be deployed to Iraq. – AFP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Every action of killing is so evil and wrong, I don’t want to do any evil things and see any suffering happening right in front of my eyes,” Lee said in the statement.Does he have brain fart when he join Army ? :stupid: Army+War=Kill Let see how mother of democracy deal with this religion fate :thefinger:
many join the Army in the US to get scholarship for uni. "Got shrimp under the stone" :p
he is the Combat Engineer Company......not really expected to shed any blood personally unless its his own!

He makes us Malaysian look damm lame....esp after our space tourist thingy.
Kindergarden ka....wanna come and go as he likes. Stupid of him joinning the army in the first place.

That fella shud have join the Shaolin and be like...Toothless Tiger, No Ball Dragon.
Don't you lose your Malaysian citizenship if you join the armed forces of another country? Just wondering.. I thought I read about it sometime in the past.

And I have always wondered why the US military would want to recruit a foreigner ... won't there be a question of loyalty if you start recruiting non-citizens into your military? Although I suppose the French had it worked out by putting all their foreign soldiers into their Foreign Legion.
US PR/Green Card holders can join, but not foriegners last I remember. As Affan mentioned, joining ROTC does have its perks when it comes to financial help in Uni.
E46Fanatic;257092 said:
US PR/Green Card holders can join, but not foriegners last I remember. As Affan mentioned, joining ROTC does have its perks when it comes to financial help in Uni.

IN this case, he got more than he asked for.:top:
US PR/Green Card holders are still not US citizens, so technically anyone of those that they recruit are still foreign citizens. I suppose they are ok with that. Must be why that USMC Sargeant-Major kept asking me to sign up...
Not uncommon to see this, alot of people join the military with the expectation that they won't go to war... think of the benifits.

1.) Govt supplied medicals.
2.) Gov't supplied education benifits.
3.) Lots of excersice (Very little real work).
4.) Get to travel alot.
5.) Get to shoot at things and blow things up.
6.) Free accomodation.
7.) Can't get fired for being too stupid (Just get made regular ARMY)

To some people thats an ideal job...
berserkdroid;257127 said:
Hell yeah! Lots of fun in that alone... :rock:

Goes the other way too, if you are posted to war... get shot at and blown up....:eek: which is not too fun.
Joining the Army in the US is seen as a good career move by some. There are many 'career soldiers' in the US Army, National Guards or the Army Reserve.
The pay is not bad but the perks are quite good, especially for those without a proper job or education.
here are some of the benifits:
Salary: Private starts with $15k per annum and a Captian gets roughly $54,000 but that's not all besides your salary, you'll also get food allowance, housing and special pay and that totals another $14k. Add to that and other benefits like, health and life insurance (which is expensive in the US), education loans even get weekends off and a 30 day leave entitlement per annum...not bad.

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