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Can it be concluded therefore that the imported petrol used by consumers in Malaysia have high sulphur content?

If so, what would be the fate of the M52-engined BMWs in Malaysia (eg. e39 523i/528i)? Can it be safely assumed that Malaysian spec M52-engined BMWs have Alusil liners (Alusil liners were introduced by BMW to overcome the Nikasil fiasco) and not Nikasil liners? Or could it be that some Malaysian spec M52-engined BMWs have Nikasil liners (eg. the early batches) whilst some Malaysian spec M52-engined BMWs have Alusil liners (the later batches)? Were these early cars recalled to have Alusil liners retrofitted?

Info from the internet says that early UK-spec M52-engined BMWs have Nikasil liners and I would not be surprised if some of these cars reached our shores...

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