Car did not start last night. Alternator dead?

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Club Guest
Oct 16, 2007
Searched the forum and couldn't find any threads that relate to the issue I encountered on my 20 yr old machine(engine changed to M50B20 and stroked to 2.5L).The car went well for the past few days, except the head light on the driver side seemed to be lighted later than the left one(it didn't light out but only a moment later.) I sent my car for a routine check up and oil change and told the mech about it. He checked the lgith socket and confirmed no issue with connection. But advice to change the light bulbs. So I had both changed(F1 4500k) and drove home happy after the routine oil change service.It went well for next few days until I went for a wedding dinner. When I went back to my car, started the engine and turned on the lights, the driver side headlight exhibited the same symptom again. It only lighted after a moment. I ignored it and went home via NSE. On the way, I was driving at constant 130kmh.I stopped my car at my old folks place and went out with them for supper. Everything went well. The head lights went well as well. No more one eye joe. I sent my old folks home and after a brief chat, I decided to call it a day. Pop in the key and twisted. The engine didn't start. I did hear something is moving(it sounds like "tick tick".) But the engine wouldn't crank. I pop up the hood. Tried again. Same thing. "Tick tick" sound and engine wouldn't crank(not turning at all)! Check battery fluid level. It was full. No warning indicator on dashboard that could tell me that somthing was wrong. The battery just changed in January. Turned on the head lights. The one eye joe came back!:argh: Actually the right head light lighted up at very dim level.I left my car at my old folks place and requested mech to check what had gone wrong. Suspected alternator died due to wear and tear. But could it that case since the engine swapped as of now clocked 113k km.The mech also suspected the same. Praying hard now!:63:
Could be the starter motor as well. The last time my e34 couldn't start and had the same tick tick sound when turning the key it was the starter motor.
Could be a simple thing. Check you battery, when was the last time it was changed? In conti cars they give no warning, they just die.
wah so many car going dead this few days... weather panas sangat ka..??

hope nothing serious wif ur car... cheers
Thanks all for the reply.

Finally got my car back from Happy Motor. It was the dead battery. Changed it in Jan. Still under warranty. Happy Motor offered me to change to dry cell by paying another RM50. I took the chance and changed it to dry cell one for a piece of mind.

Btw, I was told that the new starter for E34 would be around RM1500.00. It seems the used ones are harder to find now.
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