can fit radar detector into e36?

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Club Guest
Nov 14, 2006
i saw at lelong one seller selling radar detector.i wonder if it really can be used for e36 or e46.anyone using it in their car? which brand did you use? is it effective for msia highway?
i use to have one attach, many years ago!
guess what, i was stop by traffic cops on seremban highway. they told me that i have a radar detector attach on top of my deskboard. luckily, i took it out and put it under the seat when the radar detect it from a distance. mine need to use cigarette plug-in. just be careful...
Many years ago I was also stopped along famous Air Keroh stretch. Although I didn't have a radar detector, they suspected I had and search my car top to bottom. I think they can detect one somehow. They said "nasib baik tak jumpa tuan..." They said if they found one, they would have to arrest me and impound my car! :eek: Dunno how true that is, but not worth the risk I think. :p

Anyway are they using radar or laser nowadays? Anybody know more about this subject? :confused:
Guys....had a Cobra detector, plug-in up till last year and it somehow stopped working....mayb overuse....hehehhe
Well, up till then it served me well and must have saved myself at least 15 summonses as my radar picked them out before they clocked me....never had them question the device although I was stopped a couple of times to check licences and registration....
the newer detectors have cloaking capabilities too....most of them can read most of the police frequencies too
Actually looking at getting another one from the US and if, when I do, I will update you guys.....till then watch out at the "bridges" and "bushes" too.....had a half dozen tickets since my old faithful radar quit on me.....boohooo
thats why i really want to know which radar detector works in Malaysia.US police and Msia police using different frequency i think.
my friend fixed police siren in his car ! how abt it if get cought ? will they impound the car ?
cas;220990 said:
my friend fixed police siren in his car ! how abt it if get cought ? will they impound the car ?

it will be worst than that!
it's not like 10 - 15 years ago... everybody can play play...
now, don't play play!
wht they will do? fine? impound the car ? jus want to know, told my friend not to fix tht..
but why your fren wanna put police siren on his car? gosh!:confused: if radar detector okay lar, i understand for what.
thats the thing, told him he gonna get into trouble.. but i neve know wht the charges for gettin cought to have a police siren in car
kalau normal polis... boleh di bincang. kalau kena D8, siap!
kes impersonating as police patrol car or special branch/CID car. can get jail sentence! since your friend got balls... biar dia rasa dulu! belum kena belum tahu, sudah kena, macam TV show... YOU ASK FOT IT!
When they stopped me, search and didn't find a radar detector, they told me in a friendly way that if I had one, it would be overnight jail and car impounded. That is for radar detector only. You can imagine for impersonating a police car la! :D
In Malaysia the cops use lasers and not radar now. When u get hit by the laser, you're busted. No point getting one, unless u just want to know where and when u get tagged. Do a search on this site and you'll find out lots more info on this.
That's what I thought, that they use lasers now, but wasn't sure. Radar is the old technology.
Agreed, GPS is the way forward now. When M'sia's GPS mapping gains a stronger foothold, that'll be the only useable anti-camera solution - only a matter of time so save up and don't do radar/laser.

Best part is that the database can be updated regularly. I've got ~12,000 camera locations set on my GPS satnav - Gatso, Specs avg speed, trafficlightcam, mobile guns etc. So far so good *fingers crossed*.
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