Buying Unreg E46 or Used E46??

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Aug 24, 2006
To buy unreg E46 or to buy used CKD E46 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am contemplating whether to buy an unreg E46 (since interest is less that 3%) or a used CKD E46 (year 2002 onwards).Please some one advise as I am going to buy my first BMW.
Well, let me be the first to give a piece of my 2 cents. ( opinions )

There is no much of quality issued here. I too did find some bad unreg e46. Unreg not neccesary all new inside or outside. And the same time, used e46 also can be good or bad condition. What's important is find a good condition UDM which will save your money on repairing and time. So, if you found one and love it with interior and exterior, ask some pro to check out the car for it's engine condition.

And that's will make you satisfied. Well, if you really calculative about the 1% or 2 % interest, just go and look for Unreg. Do not look at used car at all.

Cheers and gd luck.
I think this knd of thing all depends on luck.

Good luckwith your purchase.
i agree with Dumeort. you can also find very good CKD in the market. If interest rate is the governing factor, then go for CBU.

Which ever you r buying, do check all the details. Including year of made, validity of AP & duty paid. Apparently there are also cloned AP in the market.

Can anyone advise how to check whether the AP is genuine or not???
AP is registered at the JPJ...they will do a 'AP' search on their database as it is linked with the imigration department...i have done it with my integra when my buyer insist on it to check on the validity of the end, they will issue a letter to indicate it is valid and can be utlised by the banks (the doc)....

the shit thing is that not many runner can do it due to the fact that the owner him/herself must be present....i got my wife to double up as my runner, smile smile and got to see the head of 'archive' less than a day (which is a record), i got the letter...FOREWARNED, even runners cannot get this fast so it'll depend on your 'MANDREM'...
Hi avictar, thanks for the info.

Which means we have to obtain a photocopy of the AP from the car dealer before we purchase the car.

Anything is the duty paid. How do we check whether the dealer has paid the full duty??? I was told by some friends that some dealers may cheat on this as well.
Have any of you guys ever wondered why you can get unreg cars at lower interest rates?

1. Unreg cars at interest rates cheaper than any bank's offer for CKD cars.
2. Possibility of cloned AP
3. Possibility of duty not paid
4. Possibility of forging year of manufacture
5. Possibility of stolen car/potong car/car of other dubious origin

Now I being to see how the dealers can offer lower rates...
Yup bro...but they will be very reluctant to give it to you for one reason or the'll depends on how you approach you it customary for the banks to get the approval from JPJ on the AP and the checking (but usually can be a bit lax), so as a buyer you buy on good faith but do a thorough checking after you buy it and within the stipulated time....if you are not happy, bring the case to the bank, etc...
Lee36328 said:
Have any of you guys ever wondered why you can get unreg cars at lower interest rates?

1. Unreg cars at interest rates cheaper than any bank's offer for CKD cars.
2. Possibility of cloned AP
3. Possibility of duty not paid
4. Possibility of forging year of manufacture
5. Possibility of stolen car/potong car/car of other dubious origin

Now I being to see how the dealers can offer lower rates...

My e46 is recon. Actually, the loan came from te bank, not the dealer, i got 2.69%. As for clone, i do not know but i tot they sent to puspakom for inspection before registration?
Sure, I'm belive all the factor will be happen on this issue but i'm will be support CKD 318i 2002 yrs above coz so many reason i can support CKD, reason is like radio problem in CBU car, AB not accept RECON car to services even checking also is problem, which dealer & any bank also very scare AP problem & etc. So i'm recomended to buy CKD is better, BELIVE ME coz i also driving CKD 318i 2002 & my fren driving CBU Japan spec 318 2002, he hv a lot of problem in the car but all the promlem also can settle, only that is U must be good enough to pay extra $$$. I'm think u better go back put the pilor on the hear to think "Baik Baik" OK Good Luck!!!
I dont think there is anything wrong with CKD or CBU. The risk in buying CKD would be lower bcoz you don't have to worry about the followings:

1. year of made (as this is clearly stated in the registration card)
2. AP (you can always go back to AB should there be any problem)
3. Duty (as item 3)

Either car you still have to check the engine, mileage, interior etc.. So, it is the document that we have to worry when buying CBU.

Since item 1 can be checked through VIN, can anyone advise how to check items 2 & 3 before buying ????
edk, couldn't agree more.

Let me add in something here. Basically there are alot ppl first time owning UDM do not know anything about UDM at all. But sure enough they are pretty excited about owning one. While exciting that time, they tend to forget the problem with the UDM. How many people will take the time to know what is VIN numbers, fake AP, year of made? For example, There are alot more people don't know about this club although they own a BMW.

But one thing for sure, if you are first time owning an UDM, and lucky enough to see this message, i suggest you to hear all the sifus comment in this club and make your decision wisely. Infact, CKD and CBU or whatever specs that you can find is a same piece of machine. We call it 'ULTIMATE DRIVING MACHINE'.
Yes all, i'm very very support both also, but only one word need to talk again " becaful to check all even is CKD or CBU & Good Luck" that's all.........all the best!
dumeort said:
puspakom + car dealers = good friends

understand the above equation ?

I guess in the boleh land, anything can be arranged.
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